Batch statements

Use BatchStatement to execute a set of queries as an atomic operation (refer to Batching inserts, updates and deletes to understand how to use batching effectively):

PreparedStatement preparedInsertExpense =
        "INSERT INTO cyclist_expenses (cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid) "
            + "VALUES (:name, :id, :amount, :description, :paid)");
SimpleStatement simpleInsertBalance =
    new SimpleStatement(
        "INSERT INTO cyclist_expenses (cyclist_name, balance) VALUES (?, ?) IF NOT EXISTS",
        "Vera ADRIAN", 0);

BatchStatement batch =
  new BatchStatement()
      .Add(preparedInsertExpense.bind("Vera ADRIAN", 1, 7.95f, "Breakfast", false));


As shown in the examples above, batches can contain any combination of simple statements and bound statements.

A given batch can contain at most 65536 statements. Past this limit, addition methods throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

Note that Cassandra batches are not suitable for bulk loading, there are dedicated tools for that (like the DataStax Bulk Loader). Batches allow you to group related updates in a single request, so keep the batch size small (in the order of tens).

In addition, simple statements with named parameters are currently not supported in batches (this is due to a protocol limitation that will be fixed in a future version).