
This section exposes the APIs available through the DataStax Java driver for interacting with a DataStax Enterprise Graph Server.

DseSession usage

DseSession has dedicated methods to execute graph queries:

import com.datastax.driver.dse.graph.GraphStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.dse.graph.SimpleGraphStatement;


GraphStatement s1 = new SimpleGraphStatement("g.addV(label, 'test_vertex')").setGraphName("demo");

GraphStatement s2 = new SimpleGraphStatement("g.V()").setGraphName("demo");
GraphResultSet rs = dseSession.executeGraph(s2);

Note: you need to set schema_mode: Development in dse.yaml to run the example above.

Graph options

You can set default graph options when initializing the cluster. They will be used for all graph statements. For example, to avoid repeating setGraphName("demo") on each statement:

DseCluster dseCluster = DseCluster.builder()
        .withGraphOptions(new GraphOptions().setGraphName("demo"))

You can also retrieve and change the options at runtime (be careful about concurrency though, the changes will be visible across all client threads):

GraphOptions graphOptions = dseCluster.getConfiguration().getGraphOptions();

If an option is set manually on a GraphStatement, it always takes precedence; otherwise the default option is used. This might be a problem if a default graph name is set, but you explicitly want to execute a statement targeting system, for which no graph name must be set. In that situation, use GraphStatement#setSystemQuery():

GraphStatement s = new SimpleGraphStatement("system.graph('demo').ifNotExists().create()")


The higher time limit for executing a Graph query is defined server side, in dse.yaml.

By default the Java driver will rely on that option that is declared server-side. This means that by default, after sending a request, the driver will wait until the server responds with a result or an error message, or times out.

This can be changed if the client needs a lower timeout. A timeout for the client can be set either on the Cluster’s GraphOptions object and will apply to all Graph queries, or individually on each GraphStatement object, through the methods setReadTimeoutMillis(). Note that the server will abort a query once the client has stopped waiting for it, so there’s no risk of leaving long-running queries on the server.

Query execution

As seen already, graph statements can be executed with the session’s executeGraph method. There is also an asynchronous equivalent called executeGraphAsync.

If you don’t need any specific configuration on the statement, DseSession provides a convenient shortcut that accepts the query string directly:

GraphResultSet rs = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V()");

// Is the same as:
GraphResultSet rs2 = dseSession.executeGraph(new SimpleGraphStatement("g.V()"));

Handling results

Graph queries return a GraphResultSet, which is essentially an iterable of GraphNode:

GraphResultSet rs = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V()");

// Iterating:
for (GraphNode n : rs) {

// Get the first result only (or if you know there is exactly one):
GraphNode n =;

GraphNode wraps the responses returned by the server. You can coerce the result to a specific type using the asXxx methods:

GraphNode n = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().count()").one();
System.out.printf("The graph has %s vertices%n", n.asInt());

If the result is an array or an object (non-leaf node), you can iterate its child elements:

if (n.isArray()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n.size(); i++) {
        GraphNode child = n.get(i);
        System.out.printf("Element at position %d: %s%n", i, child);

if (n.isObject()) {
    Iterator<String> fieldNames = n.fieldNames();
    while (fieldNames.hasNext()) {
        String fieldName =;
        System.out.printf("Element at key %s: %s%n", fieldName, n.get(fieldName));

The driver also exposes more general purpose methods to handle results in the form of Maps and Lists:

GraphNode n = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().valueMap()").one();
Map<String, Object> values = n.asMap();

Graph structural types

The driver also has client-side representations for Vertex, Edge, Path, VertexProperty, and Property.

These are accessible via the corresponding GraphNode#asXXXX() methods:

GraphNode n = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex')").one();
Vertex vertex = n.asVertex();

n = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex').outE()").one();
Edge edge = n.asEdge();

n = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex').outE().inV().path()").one();
Path path = n.asPath();

n = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex').next().property('propName')").one();
VertexProperty vertexProperty = n.asVertexProperty();
A word on Properties

Vertices’ VertexProperty respect the same behaviour than defined by Apache TinkerPop. A VertexProperty is first a property itself, with a value. But also can, in addition, have a list of Property associated to it. This is called a MetaProperty.

Moreover, a Vertex can have multiple VertexProperty with the same name/key. This is called a multi value property.

Altogether, a Vertex can potentially have multi value MetaProperties.

Here is the syntax for dealing with properties with the DataStax Java driver Graph types:

GraphNode n = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex_meta_props')").one();
Vertex vertex = n.asVertex();

// there can be more than one VertexProperty with the key "meta_property"
Iterator<VertexProperty> metaProps = vertex.getProperties("meta_property");

VertexProperty metaProp1 =;
// the value of the meta property
int metaProp1Value = metaProp1.getValue().asInt();
// the properties of the meta property itself
Iterator<Property> simpleProps1 = metaProp1.getProperties();
Property simpleProp11 =;
double simplePropValue11 = simpleProp11.getValue().asDouble(); 
Property simpleProp12 =;
double simplePropValue12 = simpleProp12.getValue().asDouble(); 

// **multi value** meta property.
VertexProperty metaProp2 =;

More on how to create multi value meta properties in the Apache Tinkerpop documentation.

Deserializing complex data types

The driver exposes methods to deserialize the data and return it into more complex data types, as long as the server side data type associated corresponds. Doing so requires to use the GraphNode#as(Class<T> clazz) method:

GraphNode n = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex')").one();
Vertex vertex = n.asVertex();
UUID uuidProp = vertex.getProperty("uuidProp").getValue().as(UUID.class);

DataTypes compatibility matrix

DSE Graph exposes several data types when defining a Graph with the Schema API.

Those data types server-side translate into specific data types when the data is returned from the server.

Here is the exhaustive list of possible DSE Graph data types, and their corresponding class in the Java driver.

DSE Graph Java Driver
bigint Long
int Integer
double Double
float Float
uuid UUID
bigdecimal BigDecimal
duration Duration
inet InetAddress
timestamp Instant
smallint Short
varint BigInteger
polygon Polygon
point Point
linestring LineString
blob byte[]

Java 8 Time types

The DSE Java driver is compatible with Java from version 6. The driver is able to automatically determine whether the application it’s used with is running with a Java runtime version less than version 6, and will be able to deserialize objects differently accordingly.

If using the driver with Java 8, java.time types will be usable when retrieving the data from a Traversal. If the driver is used with an inferior version of Java, other classes will be usable when deserializing the data returned from the server.


Graph query parameters are always named. Parameter bindings are passed as a Map<String, Object> alongside the query (Guava’s ImmutableMap provides a convenient way to build maps on the fly):


// One-liner:
dseSession.executeGraph("g.addV(label, vertexLabel)",
        ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of("vertexLabel", "test_vertex_2"));

// Alternative syntax:
dseSession.executeGraph("g.addV(label, vertexLabel)",
        ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
                .put("vertexLabel", "test_vertex_2")

Another way to specify parameters is to chain set() calls on a statement:

SimpleGraphStatement s = new SimpleGraphStatement("g.addV(label, vertexLabel)")
        .set("vertexLabel", "test_vertex_2");

Note that, unlike in CQL, Gremlin placeholders are not prefixed with “:”.

Parameters can have the following types:

  • null;
  • boolean, numeric or String;
  • Java arrays or List instances;
  • Java maps.

In addition, you can inject:

  • any GraphNode instance. In particular, the identifier of a previously retrieved vertex or edge:

    Vertex v1 = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex')").one().asVertex();
    Vertex v2 = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex_2')").one().asVertex();
    SimpleGraphStatement s = new SimpleGraphStatement(
            "def v1 = g.V(id1).next()\n" +
                    "def v2 = g.V(id2).next()\n" +
                    "v1.addEdge('relates', v2)")
            .set("id1", v1.getId())
            .set("id2", v2.getId());
  • any instance of Element. Its identifier will be serialized, so the following is equivalent to the last example above:

    Vertex v1 = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex')").one().asVertex();
    Vertex v2 = dseSession.executeGraph("g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex_2')").one().asVertex();
    SimpleGraphStatement s = new SimpleGraphStatement(
            "def v1 = g.V(id1).next()\n" +
                    "def v2 = g.V(id2).next()\n" +
                    "v1.addEdge('relates', v2)")
            .set("id1", v1)
            .set("id2", v2);
  • a geospatial type:

    SimpleGraphStatement s = new SimpleGraphStatement(
            "g.V().hasLabel('test_vertex').property('location', coords)"
    ).set("coords", new Point(38.8895, 77.0352));

Prepared statements

Prepared graph statements are not supported by DSE yet (they will be added in the near future).