
For clients connecting to a DSE cluster secured with DseAuthenticator, three authentication providers are included:

  • PlainTextAuthProvider: plain-text authentication using username and password.
  • DsePlainTextAuthProvider: SASL authentication using the PLAIN mechanism.
  • DseGSSAPIAuthProvider: GSSAPI authentication.

NOTE: The PlainTextAuthProvider should only be used when authenticating against Apache Cassandra® clusters, not DSE. See the OSS driver 4 manual for more on configuring that provider.

To activate a provider, you must include an auth-provider section in the configuration. For plain text, you can supply the username and password like this:

dse-java-driver {
  advanced.auth-provider {
      class = DsePlainTextAuthProvider
      username = cassandra
      password = cassandra

Example configuration for GSSAPI authentication:

dse-java-driver {
  advanced.auth-provider {
      class = DseGssApiAuthProvider
      login-configuration {
          principal = "user principal here ex cassandra@DATASTAX.COM"
          useKeyTab = "true"
          refreshKrb5Config = "true"
          keyTab = "Path to keytab file here"

See the advanced.auth-provider section in dse-reference.conf for more details.

Proxy authentication

DSE allows a user to connect as another user or role:

-- Allow bob to connect as alice:

Once connected, all authorization checks will be performed against the proxy role (alice in this example).

To use proxy authentication with the driver, you need to provide the authorization-id, in other words the name of the role you want to connect as.

Example for plain text authentication:

dse-java-driver {
  advanced.auth-provider {
      class = DsePlainTextAuthProvider
      username = bob
      password = bob's password
      authorization-id = alice

With the GSSAPI (Kerberos) provider:

dse-java-driver {
  advanced.auth-provider {
      class = DseGssApiAuthProvider
      authorization-id = alice
      login-configuration {
          principal = "user principal here ex bob@DATASTAX.COM"
          useKeyTab = "true"
          refreshKrb5Config = "true"
          keyTab = "Path to keytab file here"

Proxy execution

Proxy execution is similar to proxy authentication, but it applies to a single query, not the whole session.

-- Allow bob to execute queries as alice:

For this scenario, you would not add the authorization-id = alice to your configuration. Instead, use ProxyAuthentication.executeAs to wrap your query with the correct authorization for the execution:

import com.datastax.dse.driver.api.core.auth.ProxyAuthentication;

SimpleStatement statement = SimpleStatement.newInstance("some query");
// executeAs returns a new instance, you need to re-assign
statement = ProxyAuthentication.executeAs("alice", statement);