
How Configuring the Java driver works

The two basic components in the Java driver are the Cluster and the Session. The Cluster is the object to create first, and on to which all global configurations apply. Connecting to the Cluster creates a Session. Queries are executed through the Session.

The Cluster object then is to be viewed as the equivalent of the AstyanaxContext object. “Starting” an AstyanaxContext object typically returns a Keyspace object, the Keyspace object is the equivalent of the Java driver’s Session.

Configuring a Cluster works with the Builder pattern. The Builder takes all the configurations into account before building the Cluster.

Following are some examples of the most important configurations that were possible with Astyanax and how to translate them into DataStax Java driver configurations. Please note that the Java driver has been optimized to handle most use cases at best and even though the following sections show how to tune some various options, the driver should provide the best performances with the default configurations and these options should not be changed unless there is a good reason to.

Connection pools

Configuration of connection pools in Astyanax are made through the ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl. This object gathers important configurations that the Java driver has categorized in multiple Option and Policy kinds.

Connections pools internals

Everything concerning the internal pools of connections to the Cassandra nodes will be gathered in the Java driver in the PoolingOptions:


ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl cpool =
       new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl("myConnectionPool")

Java driver:

PoolingOptions poolingOptions =
       new PoolingOptions()
           .setConnectionsPerHost(HostDistance.LOCAL, 2, 3)

The first number is the initial number of connections, the second is the maximum number of connections the driver is allowed to create for each host.

Note that the Java driver allows multiple simultaneous requests on one single connection, as it is based upon the Native protocol, an asynchronous binary protocol that can handle up to 32768 simultaneous requests on a single connection. The Java driver is able to manage and distribute simultaneous requests by itself even under high contention, and changing the default PoolingOptions is not necessary most of the time except for very specific use cases.


Timeouts concerning requests, or connections will be part of the SocketOptions.


ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl cpool =
       new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl("myConnectionPool")

Java Driver:

SocketOptions so =
       new SocketOptions()

Changing the client timeout options might have more impacts than expected, please make sure to properly document before changing these options.

Load Balancing

Both Astyanax and the Java driver connect to multiple nodes of the Cassandra cluster. Distributing requests through all the nodes plays an important role in the good operation of the Cluster and for best performances. With Astyanax, requests (or “operations”) can be sent directly to replicas that have a copy of the data targeted by the “Row key” specified in the operation. Since the Thrift API is low-level, it forces the user to provide Row keys, known as the TokenAware connection pool type. This setting is also present in the Java driver, however the configuration is different and provides more options to tweak.

Load balancing in the Java driver is a Policy, it is a class that will be plugged in the Java driver’s code and the Driver will call its methods when it needs to. The Java driver comes with a preset of specific load balancing policies. Here’s an equivalent code:


final ConnectionPoolType poolType = ConnectionPoolType.TOKEN_AWARE;
final NodeDiscoveryType discType = NodeDiscoveryType.RING_DESCRIBE;
ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl cpool =
       new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl("myConnectionPool")
AstyanaxConfigurationImpl aconf =
       new AstyanaxConfigurationImpl()

Java driver:

LoadBalancingPolicy lbp = new TokenAwarePolicy(

By default the Java driver will instantiate the exact Load balancing policy shown above, with the LocalDC being the DC of the first host the driver connects to. So to get the same behaviour than the TokenAware pool type of Astyanax, users shouldn’t need to specify a load balancing policy since the default one should cover it.

Important: Note that since CQL is an abstraction of the Cassandra’s architecture, a simple query needs to have the Row key specified explicitly on a Statement in order to benefit from the TokenAware routing (the Row key in the Java driver is referenced as Routing Key), unlike the Astyanax driver. Some differences occur related to the different kinds of Statements the Java driver provides. Please see this link for specific information.

Custom load balancing policies can easily be implemented by users, and supplied to the Java driver for specific use cases. All information necessary is available in the Load balaning policies docs.

Consistency levels

Consistency levels can be set per-statement, or globally through the QueryOptions.


AstyanaxConfigurationImpl aconf =
       new AstyanaxConfigurationImpl()

Java driver:

QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions().setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.ALL);

Since the Java driver only executes CQL statements, which can be either reads or writes to Cassandra, it is not possible to globally configure the Consistency Level for only reads or only writes. To do so, since the Consistency Level can be set per-statement, you can either set it on every statement, or use PreparedStatements (if queries are to be repeated with different values): in this case, setting the CL on the PreparedStatement, causes the BoundStatements to inherit the CL from the prepared statements they were prepared from. More informations about how Statements work in the Java driver are detailed in the “Queries and Results” section.


Authentication settings are managed by the AuthProvider class in the Java driver. It can be highly customizable, but also comes with default simple implementations:


AuthenticationCredentials authCreds = new SimpleAuthenticationCredentials("username", "password");
ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl cpool =
       new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl("myConnectionPool")

Java driver:

AuthProvider authProvider = new PlainTextAuthProvider("username", "password");

The class AuthProvider can be easily implemented to suit the user’s needs, documentation about the classes needed is available there.

Hosts and ports

Setting the “seeds” or first hosts to connect to can be done directly on the Cluster configuration Builder:


ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl cpool =
       new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl("myConnectionPool")

Java driver:

Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder()

The Java driver by default connects to port 9042, hence you can supply only host names with the addContactPoints(String...) method. Note that the contact points are only the entry points to the Cluster for the Automatic discovery phase.

Building the Cluster

With all options previously presented, one may configure and create the Cluster object this way:

Java driver:

Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder()
Session session = cluster.connect();

Best Practices

A few best practices are summed up in this blog post.

Concerning connection pools, the Java driver’s default settings should allow most of the users to get the best out of the driver in terms of throughput, they have been thoroughly tested and tweaked to accommodate the users’ needs. If one still wishes to change those, first Monitoring the pools is advised, then a deep dive in the Pools management mechanism should provide enough insight.

A lot more options are available in the different XxxxOptions classes, policies are also highly customizable since the base Java driver’s implementations can easily be extended and implement user-specific actions.