User-defined types
Quick overview
Ordered set of named, typed fields, e.g. { street: '1 Main St', zip: 12345}
. - positional or named getters and setters:
,udtValue.setInt(1, 12345)
… - getting hold of the UserDefinedType:
- statement or session metadata, or
. -
(not recommended, dangerous if you build a type that doesn’t match the database schema).
- statement or session metadata, or
- creating a value from a type:
CQL user-defined types are ordered sets of named, typed fields. They must be defined in a keyspace:
CREATE TYPE ks.type1 (
a int,
b text,
c float);
And can then be used as a column type in tables, or a field type in other user-defined types in that keyspace:
CREATE TABLE ks.collect_things (
pk int,
ck1 text,
ck2 text,
v frozen<type1>,
PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck1, ck2)
CREATE TYPE ks.type2 (v frozen<type1>);
Fetching UDTs from results
The driver maps UDT columns to the UdtValue class, which exposes getters and setters to access individual fields by index or name:
Row row = session.execute("SELECT v FROM ks.collect_things WHERE pk = 1").one();
UdtValue udtValue = row.getUdtValue("v");
int a = udtValue.getInt(0);
String b = udtValue.getString("b");
Float c = udtValue.getFloat(2);
Using UDTs as parameters
Statements may contain UDTs as bound values:
PreparedStatement ps =
"INSERT INTO ks.collect_things (pk, ck1, ck2, v) VALUES (:pk, :ck1, :ck2, :v)");
To create a new UDT value, you must first have a reference to its UserDefinedType. There are various ways to get it:
from the statement’s metadata
CopyUserDefinedType udt = (UserDefinedType) ps.getVariableDefinitions().get("v").getType();
from the driver’s schema metadata:
CopyUserDefinedType udt = session.getMetadata() .getKeyspace("ks") .flatMap(ks -> ks.getUserDefinedType("type1")) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Missing UDT definition"));
from another UDT value:
CopyUserDefinedType udt = udtValue.getType();
Note that the driver’s official API does not expose a way to build UserDefinedType instances manually. This is because the type’s internal definition must precisely match the database schema; if it doesn’t (for example if the fields are not in the same order), you run the risk of inserting corrupt data, that you won’t be able to read back. There is still a way to do it with the driver, but it’s part of the internal API:
// Advanced usage: make sure you understand the risks
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.type.UserDefinedTypeBuilder;
UserDefinedType udt =
new UserDefinedTypeBuilder("ks", "type1")
.withField("a", DataTypes.INT)
.withField("b", DataTypes.TEXT)
.withField("c", DataTypes.FLOAT)
Note that a manually created type is detached.
Once you have the type, call newValue()
and set the fields:
UdtValue udtValue = udt.newValue().setInt(0, 1).setString(1, "hello").setFloat(2, 2.3f);
// Or as a one-liner for convenience:
UdtValue udtValue = udt.newValue(1, "hello", 2.3f);
And bind your UDT value like any other type:
BoundStatement bs =
.setInt("pk", 1)
.setString("ck1", "1")
.setString("ck2", "1")
.setUdtValue("v", udtValue)