Upgrading from the DSE Driver
This guide is intended for users of the DSE driver that plan to migrate to the cassandra-driver
The cassandra-driver
now supports all DataStax products and features, such as Unified Authentication,
Kerberos, geo types and graph traversal executions, allowing you to use a single driver for Apache Cassandra, DSE or
other DataStax products.
Upgrading from dse-driver
to cassandra-driver
can be as simple as changing the import statement to point to the
dse package:
const { Client } = require('dse-driver');
const client = new Client({
contactPoints: ['host1', 'host2'],
localDataCenter: 'datacenter1'
const { Client } = require('cassandra-driver');
const client = new Client({
contactPoints: ['host1', 'host2'],
localDataCenter: 'datacenter1'
Most of the child modules are in the same path.
const { auth, types, geometry, policies, mapping } = require('dse-driver');
const { auth, types, geometry, policies, mapping } = require('cassandra-driver');
The only notable module path distinctions are Graph and Search types that are under datastax
const { graph, search } = require('dse-driver');
const { datastax } = require('cassandra-driver');
const { graph, search } = datastax;
Load balancing policy
The default load balancing policy on the dse-driver
was DseLoadBalancingPolicy
. In the cassandra-driver
, a
policy with the same behaviour is called DefaultLoadBalancingPolicy
, which is the default.