since cassadra v2.2
User-defined Function (UDF) and Aggregate Metadata (UDA)
PHP Driver exposes the Cassandra Schema Metadata for UDFs and UDAs.
- Given
- a running Cassandra cluster
- And
- the following schema:
CREATE KEYSPACE simplex WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 } AND DURABLE_WRITES = false; USE simplex; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fLog (input double) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'return Double.valueOf(Math.log(input.doubleValue()));'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION avgState ( state tuple<int,bigint>, val int ) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS tuple<int,bigint> LANGUAGE java AS 'state.setInt(0, state.getInt(0)+1); state.setLong(1, state.getLong(1)+val.intValue()); return state;'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION avgFinal ( state tuple<int,bigint> ) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'double r = 0; if (state.getInt(0) == 0) return null; r = state.getLong(1); r/= state.getInt(0); return Double.valueOf(r);'; CREATE AGGREGATE IF NOT EXISTS average ( int ) SFUNC avgState STYPE tuple<int,bigint> FINALFUNC avgFinal INITCOND (0,0);
Getting a function’s metadata
- Given
- the following example:
$cluster = Dse::cluster()->build(); $session = $cluster->connect("simplex"); $schema = $session->schema(); $function = $schema->keyspace("simplex")->function("flog", Dse\Type::double()); echo "Name => {$function->simpleName()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Signature => {$function->signature()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Language => {$function->language()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Body => {$function->body()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Arguments:" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($function->arguments() as $name => $type) { echo " {$name} => {$type}" . PHP_EOL; } echo "Return Type => {$function->returnType()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Is Called On Null Input => " . ($function->isCalledOnNullInput() ? "true" : "false") . PHP_EOL;
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
Name => flog Signature => flog(double) Language => java Body => return Double.valueOf(Math.log(input.doubleValue())); Arguments: input => double Return Type => double Is Called On Null Input => true
Getting an aggregates’s metadata
- Given
- the following example:
$cluster = Dse::cluster()->build(); $session = $cluster->connect("simplex"); $schema = $session->schema(); $aggregate = $schema->keyspace("simplex")->aggregate("average", Dse\Type::int()); echo "Name => {$aggregate->simpleName()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Signature => {$aggregate->signature()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Argument Types:" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($aggregate->argumentTypes() as $index => $type) { echo " {$index} => {$type}" . PHP_EOL; } echo "State Type => {$aggregate->stateType()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Return Type => {$aggregate->returnType()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Initial Condition: {$aggregate->initialCondition()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "State Function: {$aggregate->stateFunction()->signature()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Final Function: {$aggregate->finalFunction()->signature()}" . PHP_EOL;
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
Name => average Signature => average(int) Argument Types: 0 => int State Type => tuple<int, bigint> Return Type => double Initial Condition: (0, 0) State Function: avgstate(frozen<tuple<int,bigint>>,int) Final Function: avgfinal(frozen<tuple<int,bigint>>)