DSE DateRange Type

DSE 5.1 introduced the DateRange type to represent ranges of dates and times. Instances of the DateRange type can be bound to queries and returned in columns in your application.


a running DSE cluster
the following schema:
CREATE KEYSPACE simplex WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 };
USE simplex;
CREATE TABLE dr (k text PRIMARY KEY, v 'DateRangeType');

Create a date-range using text embedded in the query string

the following example:
$cluster = Dse::cluster()->build();
$session = $cluster->connect("simplex");

$session->execute("INSERT INTO dr (k, v) VALUES " .
  "('inline create', '[1971-01-02 TO 1972-01-03T06:00:00.234]')");

$row = $session->execute("SELECT * FROM dr WHERE k = 'inline create'")->first();

$dr = $row['v'];
echo "As string: " . $dr . PHP_EOL;
echo "Lower bound precision: {$dr->lowerBound()->precision()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Lower bound timestamp: {$dr->lowerBound()->timeMs()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Upper bound precision: {$dr->upperBound()->precision()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Upper bound timestamp: {$dr->upperBound()->timeMs()}" . PHP_EOL;
$single = $dr->isSingleDate() ? "true" : "false";
echo "Single date: {$single}" . PHP_EOL;
it is executed
its output should contain:
As string: 1971-01-02 00:00:00.000(DAY) TO 1972-01-03 06:00:00.234(MILLISECOND)
Lower bound precision: 2
Lower bound timestamp: 31622400000
Upper bound precision: 6
Upper bound timestamp: 63266400234
Single date: false

Create a date-range by binding a `DateRange` object

the following example:
use Dse\DateRange;
use Dse\DateRange\Precision;
use Dse\DateRange\Bound;

$cluster = Dse::cluster()->build();
$session = $cluster->connect("simplex");

$bind_dr = new Dse\DateRange(Precision::DAY, new DateTime("1970-01-02Z"), Bound::unbounded());
$session->execute("INSERT INTO dr (k, v) VALUES ('bind dr', ?)",
                  array("arguments" => array($bind_dr)));

$row = $session->execute("SELECT * FROM dr WHERE k = 'bind dr'")->first();

$dr = $row['v'];
echo "As string: " . $dr . PHP_EOL;
echo "Lower bound precision: {$dr->lowerBound()->precision()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Lower bound timestamp: {$dr->lowerBound()->timeMs()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Upper bound precision: {$dr->upperBound()->precision()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Upper bound timestamp: {$dr->upperBound()->timeMs()}" . PHP_EOL;
$single = $dr->isSingleDate() ? "true" : "false";
echo "Single date: {$single}" . PHP_EOL;
it is executed
its output should contain:
As string: 1970-01-02 00:00:00.000(DAY) TO *
Lower bound precision: 2
Lower bound timestamp: 86400000
Upper bound precision: 255
Upper bound timestamp: -1
Single date: false

Create a date-range with a single date

the following example:
use Dse\DateRange;
use Dse\DateRange\Precision;

$cluster = Dse::cluster()->build();
$session = $cluster->connect("simplex");

// timestamp (ms) for 1/1/2017 midnight.
// We could use a number literal on 64-bit platforms, but we need to use a string or Bigint on 32-bit.
$t = new Dse\Bigint("1483228800000");

$bind_dr = new Dse\DateRange(Precision::DAY, $t);
$session->execute("INSERT INTO dr (k, v) VALUES ('single date', ?)",
                  array("arguments" => array($bind_dr)));

$row = $session->execute("SELECT * FROM dr WHERE k = 'single date'")->first();

$dr = $row['v'];
echo "As string: " . $dr . PHP_EOL;
echo "Lower bound precision: {$dr->lowerBound()->precision()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Lower bound timestamp: {$dr->lowerBound()->timeMs()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Upper bound: {$dr->upperBound()}" . PHP_EOL;
$single = $dr->isSingleDate() ? "true" : "false";
echo "Single date: {$single}" . PHP_EOL;
it is executed
its output should contain:
As string: 2017-01-01 00:00:00.000(DAY)
Lower bound precision: 2
Lower bound timestamp: 1483228800000
Upper bound:
Single date: true

Create a date-range with a single date in a Bound object

the following example:
use Dse\DateRange;
use Dse\DateRange\Precision;
use Dse\DateRange\Bound;

$cluster = Dse::cluster()->build();
$session = $cluster->connect("simplex");

$bound = new Bound(Precision::DAY, new DateTime("1970-01-02Z"));
$bind_dr = new Dse\DateRange($bound);
$session->execute("INSERT INTO dr (k, v) VALUES ('single date in bound', ?)",
                  array("arguments" => array($bind_dr)));

$row = $session->execute("SELECT * FROM dr WHERE k = 'single date in bound'")->first();

$dr = $row['v'];
echo "As string: " . $dr . PHP_EOL;
echo "Lower bound precision: {$dr->lowerBound()->precision()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Lower bound timestamp: {$dr->lowerBound()->timeMs()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Upper bound: {$dr->upperBound()}" . PHP_EOL;
$single = $dr->isSingleDate() ? "true" : "false";
echo "Single date: {$single}" . PHP_EOL;
it is executed
its output should contain:
As string: 1970-01-02 00:00:00.000(DAY)
Lower bound precision: 2
Lower bound timestamp: 86400000
Upper bound:
Single date: true