DSE DateRange Type in Collections

PHP Driver supports the DateRange datatype in collections


a running DSE cluster

Use the DateRange type in collections

the following schema:
CREATE KEYSPACE simplex WITH replication = {
  'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
  'replication_factor': 1
USE simplex;
CREATE TYPE date_range_user_type (range1 'DateRangeType', range2 'DateRangeType');
CREATE TABLE date_ranges (k text PRIMARY KEY,
                        range_list list<'DateRangeType'>,
                        range_tuple tuple<'DateRangeType', 'DateRangeType'>,
                        range_udt date_range_user_type);
the following example:
use Dse\DateRange\Precision;
use Dse\DateRange\Bound;

$cluster = Dse::cluster()->build();
$session = $cluster->connect("simplex");

# Construct collection arguments
$range1 = new Dse\DateRange(Precision::DAY, new DateTime("1970-01-02Z"), Bound::unbounded());
$range2 = new Dse\DateRange(Bound::unbounded(), Precision::DAY, new DateTime("1970-01-02Z"));

$list = Dse\Type::collection(Dse\Type::dateRange())->create(

$tuple = Dse\Type::tuple(Dse\Type::dateRange(), Dse\Type::dateRange())->create(
    $range1, $range2

$udt = Dse\Type::userType('range1', Dse\Type::dateRange(), 'range2', Dse\Type::dateRange())->create(
    'range1', $range1
$udt->set('range2', $range2);

# Insert collections containing DateRange's into table
$options = array('arguments' =>
    array('key1', $list, $tuple, $udt)
$session->execute("INSERT INTO date_ranges
    (k, range_list, range_tuple, range_udt) VALUES
    (?, ?, ?, ?)", $options);
# Select collections from table and print
$rows = $session->execute("SELECT * FROM date_ranges WHERE k = 'key1'");
$row = $rows->first();

$rows = $session->execute("SELECT * FROM date_ranges WHERE k = 'key1'");
$row = $rows->first();

echo 'The list contains ranges: [' . implode(', ', $row['range_list']->values()) . ']' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'The tuple contains ranges: (' . implode(', ', $row['range_tuple']->values()) . ')' . PHP_EOL;
$asString = array_map(function($k, $v) { return $k . ': ' . $v; },
    array_keys($row["range_udt"]->values()), $row["range_udt"]->values());
echo 'The udt contains ranges: {' . implode(', ', $asString) . '}' . PHP_EOL;
it is executed
its output should contain disregarding order:
The list contains ranges: [1970-01-02 00:00:00.000(DAY) TO *, * TO 1970-01-02 23:59:59.999(DAY)]
The tuple contains ranges: (1970-01-02 00:00:00.000(DAY) TO *, * TO 1970-01-02 00:00:00.000(DAY))
The udt contains ranges: {range1: 1970-01-02 00:00:00.000(DAY) TO *, range2: * TO 1970-01-02 00:00:00.000(DAY)}