Geospatial types

DataStax Enterprise 5.0+ adds types for representing geospatial data. The three new geospatial types are point, line string and polygon. These types can be specified directly in a query string using well-known text (WKT) or can be bound to a query using the following objects: Dse\Point, Dse\LineString and Dse\Polygon.


A point is a 2-dimensional location in space represented by two, double precision floating numbers. Tables with columns of this type are created using the type org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.PointType or the shorter PointType.

$session = Dse::cluster()->build()->connect("examples");

# Create table and add a coordinate for the point of interest using the `Point`
# type
    "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS points_of_interest " .
    "(name varchar PRIMARY KEY, coords 'PointType')"

    "INSERT INTO points_of_interest (name, coords) VALUES (?, ?)",
    array("arguments" => array("Eiffel Tower", new Dse\Point(48.8582, 2.2945)))

# Get the coordinates for the inserted location
$row = $session->execute("SELECT * FROM points_of_interest")->first();
echo "Name: '{$row['name']}' Coords: ({$row['coords']})" . PHP_EOL;

Line String

A line string is a 2-dimensional set of lines represented by a string of points. Tables with columns of this type are created using the type org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.LineStringType or the shorter LineStringType.

# Create table for trail paths
    "(name varchar PRIMARY KEY, path 'LineStringType')"

# Add a new trail path using the `LineString` type
$path = new Dse\LineString(new Dse\Point(38, 78), new Dse\Point(39, 78), new Dse\Point(39.5, 79)); # ...
    "INSERT INTO trails (name, path) VALUES (?, ?)",
    array("arguments" => array("Appalachian National Scenic Trail", $path))

# Get the trail's path coordinates
$row = $session->execute("SELECT * FROM trails")->first();
echo "Name: '{$row['name']}'" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Path: " . implode(" --> ", $row['path']->points()) . PHP_EOL;


A polygon is a bound set of line segments that form a closed loop. It is characterized by a set of rings formed by line strings. The first ring represents the external bounds of the polygon and all follow up rings represent holes. The rings must be closed loops so they must be at least four points with the first and last points being the same location. Tables with columns of this type are created using the type org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.PolygonType or the shorter PolygonType.

# Create a table to represent boundaries of places in the world (in this case a state)
    "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS boundaries " .
    "(name varchar PRIMARY KEY, boundary 'PolygonType')"

# Use a `LineString` to represent the exterior boundary of the state
$stateBoundary = new Dse\LineString(new Dse\Point(35, 10),
                                    new Dse\Point(45, 45),
                                    new Dse\Point(15, 40),
                                    new Dse\Point(10, 20),
                                    new Dse\Point(35, 10));

# Use a `LineString` to represent the boundary of a county inside the state's
# exteriro boundary
$countyBoundary = new Dse\LineString(new Dse\Point(20, 30),
                                     new Dse\Point(35, 35),
                                     new Dse\Point(30, 20),
                                     new Dse\Point(20, 30));

# Add the state's boundary using the `Polygon` type
$boundary = new Dse\Polygon($stateBoundary, $countyBoundary);
    "INSERT INTO boundaries (name, boundary) VALUES (?, ?)",
    array("arguments" => array("California", $boundary))

$ Get the state's boundary
$row = $session->execute("SELECT * FROM boundaries")->first();
echo "Name: '{$row['name']}'" . PHP_EOL;
echo "State Boundary: " . implode("; ", $row['boundary']->exteriorRing()->points()) . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($row['boundary']->interiorRings() as $countyBoundary) {
    echo "County Boundary: " . implode("; ", $countyBoundary->points()) . PHP_EOLo