DSE Geospatial Types
DSE 5.0 included a graph-oriented database queried utilizing the Gremlin
graph language. Graph queries are executed using
or Dse\Session::executeGraphAsync()
- Given
- a running DSE cluster with graph
- And
- an existing graph called “users” with schema:
schema.propertyKey('name').Text().ifNotExists().create(); schema.propertyKey('age').Int().ifNotExists().create(); schema.propertyKey('lang').Text().ifNotExists().create(); schema.propertyKey('weight').Float().ifNotExists().create(); schema.vertexLabel('person').properties('name', 'age').ifNotExists().create(); schema.vertexLabel('software').properties('name', 'lang').ifNotExists().create(); schema.edgeLabel('created').properties('weight').connection('person', 'software').ifNotExists().create(); schema.edgeLabel('knows').properties('weight').connection('person', 'person').ifNotExists().create(); schema.propertyKey('country').Text().ifNotExists().create(); schema.propertyKey('origin').Text().multiple().properties('country').ifNotExists().create(); schema.vertexLabel('master').properties('name', 'origin').ifNotExists().create(); schema.vertexLabel('character').properties('name').ifNotExists().create();
Create and query vertex with graph options
- Given
- the following example:
$graphOptions = Dse::graphOptions() ->withGraphName("users") ->withGraphSource("g") ->withGraphLanguage("gremlin-groovy") ->withReadConsistency(Dse::CONSISTENCY_ONE) ->withWriteConsistency(Dse::CONSISTENCY_ONE) ->withRequestTimeout(1) ->build(); $cluster = Dse::cluster() ->withGraphOptions($graphOptions) ->build(); $session = $cluster->connect(); $session->executeGraph("Vertex marko = graph.addVertex(label, 'person', 'name', 'marko', 'age', 29);"); $resultset = $session->executeGraph("g.V().has('name', 'marko')[0]"); $vertex = $resultset->first()->asVertex(); echo "Vertex label: {$vertex->id()['~label']}" . PHP_EOL; foreach($vertex->properties() as $property) { echo "Vertex property name: {$property->name()}" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($property->value() as $value) { echo "Vertex property value: {$value['value']}" . PHP_EOL; } }
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
Vertex label: person Vertex property name: name Vertex property value: marko Vertex property name: age Vertex property value: 29
Create and query edges
- Given
- the following example:
$graphOptions = Dse::graphOptions() ->withGraphName("users") ->build(); $cluster = Dse::cluster() ->withGraphOptions($graphOptions) ->build(); $session = $cluster->connect(); $session->executeGraph( "Vertex marko = graph.addVertex(label, 'person', 'name', 'marko', 'age', 29); Vertex vadas = graph.addVertex(label, 'person', 'name', 'vadas', 'age', 27); marko.addEdge('knows', vadas, 'weight', 0.5f);"); $resultset = $session->executeGraph("g.V().has('name', 'marko').outE('knows')"); $edge = $resultset->first()->asEdge(); echo "Edge type: {$edge->id()['~type']}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Edge incoming vertex label: {$edge->inVLabel()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Edge outgoing vertex label: {$edge->outVLabel()}" . PHP_EOL; foreach($edge->properties() as $property) { echo "Edge property name: {$property->name()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Edge property value: {$property->value()}" . PHP_EOL; }
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
Edge type: knows Edge incoming vertex label: person Edge outgoing vertex label: person Edge property name: weight Edge property value: 0.5
Using paths
- Given
- the following example:
$graphOptions = Dse::graphOptions() ->withGraphName("users") ->build(); $cluster = Dse::cluster() ->withGraphOptions($graphOptions) ->build(); $session = $cluster->connect(); $session->executeGraph( "Vertex marko = graph.addVertex(label, 'person', 'name', 'marko', 'age', 29); Vertex vadas = graph.addVertex(label, 'person', 'name', 'vadas', 'age', 27); Vertex lop = graph.addVertex(label, 'software', 'name', 'lop', 'lang', 'java'); Vertex josh = graph.addVertex(label, 'person', 'name', 'josh', 'age', 32); Vertex ripple = graph.addVertex(label, 'software', 'name', 'ripple', 'lang', 'java'); Vertex peter = graph.addVertex(label, 'person', 'name', 'peter', 'age', 35); marko.addEdge('knows', vadas, 'weight', 0.5f); marko.addEdge('knows', josh, 'weight', 1.0f); marko.addEdge('created', lop, 'weight', 0.4f); josh.addEdge('created', ripple, 'weight', 1.0f); josh.addEdge('created', lop, 'weight', 0.4f); peter.addEdge('created', lop, 'weight', 0.2f);"); $resultset = $session->executeGraph( "g.V().hasLabel('person').has('name', 'marko').as('a').outE('knows').inV().as('c', 'd').outE('created').as('e', 'f', 'g').inV().path()"); $path = $resultset->first()->asPath(); echo "Path labels: " . json_encode($path->labels()) . PHP_EOL; echo "Length of path: " . count($path->labels()) . PHP_EOL; $objects = $path->objects(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($objects); $i++) { try { $vertex = $objects[$i]->asVertex(); echo "Object $i is a(n) " . get_class($vertex) . " with the value: " . $vertex->property('name')->value()[0]['value'] . PHP_EOL; } catch(Dse\Exception\DomainException $e) { $edge = $objects[$i]->asEdge(); echo "Object $i is a(n) " . get_class($edge) . " with the value: " . $edge->label(). PHP_EOL; } }
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
Path labels: [["a"],[],["c","d"],["e","f","g"],[]] Length of path: 5 Object 0 is a(n) Dse\Graph\DefaultVertex with the value: marko Object 1 is a(n) Dse\Graph\DefaultEdge with the value: knows Object 2 is a(n) Dse\Graph\DefaultVertex with the value: josh Object 3 is a(n) Dse\Graph\DefaultEdge with the value: created Object 4 is a(n) Dse\Graph\DefaultVertex with the value: lop
Inspecting a simple result
- Given
- the following example:
$graphOptions = Dse::graphOptions() ->withGraphName("users") ->build(); $cluster = Dse::cluster() ->withGraphOptions($graphOptions) ->build(); $session = $cluster->connect(); $resultset = $session->executeGraph("g.V().has('name', 'marko')[0].property('age').value()"); $result = $resultset->first(); echo "The result type is a number? " . ($result->isNumber() ? "true" : "false") . PHP_EOL; echo "The result value is: {$result}" . PHP_EOL;
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
The result type is a number? true The result value is: 29