DSE Geometry Types
This section shows how to query and work with the geometric types provided by DSE.
These types are enabled implicitly by creating the Session from dse.cluster.Cluster
This module implicitly registers these types for use in the driver. This extension provides
some simple representative types in dse.util
for inserting and retrieving data:
from dse.cluster import Cluster
from dse.util import Point, LineString, Polygon
session = Cluster().connect()
session.execute("INSERT INTO ks.geo (k, point, line, poly) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
0, Point(1, 2), LineString(((1, 2), (3, 4))), Polygon(((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))))
Queries returning geometric types return the dse.util
types. Note that these can easily be used to construct
types from third-party libraries using the common attributes:
from shapely.geometry import LineString
shapely_linestrings = [LineString(res.line.coords) for res in session.execute("SELECT line FROM ks.geo")]
For prepared statements, shapely geometry types can be used interchangeably with the built-in types because their defining attributes are the same:
from shapely.geometry import Point
prepared = session.prepare("UPDATE ks.geo SET point = ? WHERE k = ?")
session.execute(prepared, (0, Point(1.2, 3.4)))
In order to use shapely types in a CQL-interpolated (non-prepared) query, one must update the encoder with those types, specifying the same string encoder as set for the internal types:
from dse import util
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon
encoder_func = session.encoder.mapping[util.Point]
for t in (Point, LineString, Polygon):
session.encoder.mapping[t] = encoder_func
session.execute("UPDATE ks.geo SET point = %s where k = %s", (0, Point(1.2, 3.4)))