
The two main security components you will use with the Python driver are Authentication and SSL.


Versions 2.0 and higher of the driver support a SASL-based authentication mechanism. To use this authentication, set auth_provider to an instance of a subclass of AuthProvider. When working with Cassandra’s PasswordAuthenticator, you can use the PlainTextAuthProvider class.

For example, suppose Cassandra is setup with its default ‘cassandra’ user with a password of ‘cassandra’:

from dse.cluster import Cluster
from dse.auth import PlainTextAuthProvider

auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(username='cassandra', password='cassandra')
cluster = Cluster(auth_provider=auth_provider, protocol_version=3)

Custom Authenticators

If you’re using something other than Cassandra’s PasswordAuthenticator, SaslAuthProvider is provided for generic SASL authentication mechanisms, utilizing the pure-sasl package. If these do not suit your needs, you may need to create your own subclasses of AuthProvider and Authenticator. You can use the Sasl classes as example implementations.


SSL should be used when client encryption is enabled in Cassandra.

To give you as much control as possible over your SSL configuration, our SSL API takes a user-created SSLContext instance from the Python standard library. These docs will include some examples for how to achieve common configurations, but the ssl.SSLContext documentation gives a more complete description of what is possible.

To enable SSL with version 2.8.0 and higher, you will need to set Cluster.ssl_context to a ssl.SSLContext instance to enable SSL. Optionally, you can also set Cluster.ssl_options to a dict of options. These will be passed as kwargs to ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket() when new sockets are created.

The following examples assume you have generated your Cassandra certificate and keystore files with these intructions:

It might be also useful to learn about the different levels of identity verification to understand the examples:

SSL Configuration Examples

Here, we’ll describe the server and driver configuration necessary to set up SSL to meet various goals, such as the client verifying the server and the server verifying the client. We’ll also include Python code demonstrating how to use servers and drivers configured in these ways.

No identity verification

No identity verification at all. Note that this is not recommended for for production deployments.

The Cassandra configuration:

  enabled: true
  keystore: /path/to/
  keystore_password: myStorePass
  require_client_auth: false

The driver configuration:

from cassandra.cluster import Cluster, Session
from ssl import SSLContext, PROTOCOL_TLSv1

ssl_context = SSLContext(PROTOCOL_TLSv1)

cluster = Cluster([''], ssl_context=ssl_context)
session = cluster.connect()

Client verifies server

Ensure the python driver verifies the identity of the server.

The Cassandra configuration:

  enabled: true
  keystore: /path/to/
  keystore_password: myStorePass
  require_client_auth: false

For the driver configuration, it’s very important to set ssl_context.verify_mode to CERT_REQUIRED. Otherwise, the loaded verify certificate will have no effect:

from cassandra.cluster import Cluster, Session
from ssl import SSLContext, PROTOCOL_TLSv1, CERT_REQUIRED

ssl_context = SSLContext(PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
ssl_context.verify_mode = CERT_REQUIRED

cluster = Cluster([''], ssl_context=ssl_context)
session = cluster.connect()

Additionally, you can also force the driver to verify the hostname of the server by passing additional options to ssl_context.wrap_socket via the ssl_options kwarg:

from cassandra.cluster import Cluster, Session
from ssl import SSLContext, PROTOCOL_TLSv1, CERT_REQUIRED

ssl_context = SSLContext(PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
ssl_context.verify_mode = CERT_REQUIRED
ssl_context.check_hostname = True
ssl_options = {'server_hostname': ''}

cluster = Cluster([''], ssl_context=ssl_context, ssl_options=ssl_options)
session = cluster.connect()

Server verifies client

If Cassandra is configured to verify clients (require_client_auth), you need to generate SSL key and certificate files.

The cassandra configuration:

  enabled: true
  keystore: /path/to/
  keystore_password: myStorePass
  require_client_auth: true
  truststore: /path/to/dse-truststore.jks
  truststore_password: myStorePass

The Python ssl APIs require the certificate in PEM format. First, create a certificate conf file:

cat > gen_client_cert.conf <<EOF
[ req ]
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
output_password = ${ROOT_CERT_PASS}
default_bits = 2048

[ req_distinguished_name ]
CN = client

Make sure you replaced the variables with the same values you used for the initial root CA certificate. Then, generate the key:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout client.key -out client.csr -config gen_client_cert.conf

And generate the client signed certificate:

openssl x509 -req -CA ${ROOT_CA_BASE_NAME}.crt -CAkey ${ROOT_CA_BASE_NAME}.key -passin pass:${ROOT_CERT_PASS} \
    -in client.csr -out client.crt_signed -days ${CERT_VALIDITY} -CAcreateserial

Finally, you can use that configuration with the following driver code:

from cassandra.cluster import Cluster, Session
from ssl import SSLContext, PROTOCOL_TLSv1

ssl_context = SSLContext(PROTOCOL_TLSv1)

cluster = Cluster([''], ssl_context=ssl_context)
session = cluster.connect()

Server verifies client and client verifies server

See the previous section for examples of Cassandra configuration and preparing the client certificates.

The following driver code specifies that the connection should use two-way verification:

from cassandra.cluster import Cluster, Session
from ssl import SSLContext, PROTOCOL_TLSv1, CERT_REQUIRED

ssl_context = SSLContext(PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
ssl_context.verify_mode = CERT_REQUIRED

cluster = Cluster([''], ssl_context=ssl_context)
session = cluster.connect()

The driver uses SSLContext directly to give you many other options in configuring SSL. Consider reading the Python SSL documentation for more details about SSLContext configuration.

Versions 3.16.0 and lower

To enable SSL you will need to set Cluster.ssl_options to a dict of options. These will be passed as kwargs to ssl.wrap_socket() when new sockets are created. Note that this use of ssl_options will be deprecated in the next major release.

By default, a ca_certs value should be supplied (the value should be a string pointing to the location of the CA certs file), and you probably want to specify ssl_version as ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 to match Cassandra’s default protocol.

For example:

from dse.cluster import Cluster

ssl_opts = {
    'ca_certs': '/path/to/my/ca.certs',
    'ssl_version': PROTOCOL_TLSv1,
    'cert_reqs': CERT_REQUIRED  # Certificates are required and validated
cluster = Cluster(ssl_options=ssl_opts)

This is only an example to show how to pass the ssl parameters. Consider reading the python ssl documentation for your configuration. For further reading, Andrew Mussey has published a thorough guide on Using SSL with the DataStax Python driver.

SSL with Twisted

In case the twisted event loop is used pyOpenSSL must be installed or an exception will be risen. Also to set the ssl_version and cert_reqs in ssl_opts the appropriate constants from pyOpenSSL are expected.