A session is used to execute queries. In addition to executing standard CQL queries via the #execute and #execute_async methods, it executes graph queries via the #execute_graph_async and #execute_graph methods.

See Also:





(graph_statement, options = {})

Execute a graph statement asynchronously.

Name Type Details
graph_statement (String or Dse::Graph::Statement) a graph statement
options Hash (defaults to: {}) a customizable set of options. All of the options supported by Cassandra::Session#execute_async are valid here. However, there are some extras, noted below.
Keys for options:
Key Type Details
:arguments Hash Parameters for the graph statement. NOTE: Unlike #execute and #execute_async, this must be a hash of <parameter-name,value>.
:graph_options Dse::Graph::Options options for the DSE graph statement handler. Takes priority over other :graph_* options specified below.
:graph_name String name of graph to use in graph statements
:graph_source String graph traversal source
:graph_language String language used in graph queries
:graph_read_consistency Cassandra::CONSISTENCIES read consistency level for graph statements. Overrides the standard statement consistency level
:graph_write_consistency Cassandra::CONSISTENCIES write consistency level for graph statements. Overrides the standard statement consistency level
Type Details
See Also:


(statement, options = {})

Execute a graph statement synchronously.

Type Details
Cassandra::Result a Cassandra result containing individual JSON results.
See Also: