The DSE Graph service processes graph queries written in the Gremlin language.
and Session#execute_graph_async
are responsible for transmitting graph queries to DSE graph.
The response is a graph result set, which may contain domain object representations of graph objects.
Any script using the DSE driver to execute graph queries will begin like this:
require 'dse'
# Connect to DSE and create a session whose graph queries will be tied to the graph
# named 'mygraph' by default. See the documentation for Dse::Graph::Options for all
# supported graph options.
cluster = Dse.cluster(graph_name: 'mygraph')
session = cluster.connect
The DSE driver is a wrapper around the core Cassandra driver, so any valid options to the core driver are valid in the DSE driver as well.
To execute system query statements (to create a graph for example), do not specify a graph name to bind to when connecting. This is illegal in DSE graph.
Vertices in DSE Graph have properties. A property may have multiple values. This is represented as an array when manipulating a Vertex object. A property value may also have properties of their own (known as meta-properties). These meta-properties are simple key-value pairs of strings; they do not nest.
# Run a query to get all the vertices in our graph.
results = session.execute_graph('g.V()')
# Each result is a Dse::Graph::Vertex.
# Print out the label and a few of its properties.
puts "Number of vertex results: #{results.size}"
results.each do |v|
# Start with the label
puts "#{v.label}:"
# Vertex properties support multiple values as well as meta-properties
# (simple key-value attributes that apply to a given property's value).
# Emit the 'name' property's first value.
puts " name: #{['name'][0].value}"
# Name again, using our abbreviated syntax
puts " name: #{v['name'][0].value}"
# Print all the values of the 'name' property
values = v['name'].map do |vertex_prop|
puts " all names: #{values.join(',')}"
# That's a little inconvenient. So use the 'values' shortcut:
puts " all names: #{v['name'].values.join(',')}"
# Let's get the 'title' meta-property of 'name's first value.
puts " title: #{v['name'][0].properties['title']}"
# This has a short-cut syntax as well:
puts " title: #{v['name'][0]['title']}"
Edges connect a pair of vertices in DSE Graph. They also have properties, but they are simple key-value pairs of strings.
results = session.execute_graph('g.E()')
puts "Number of edge results: #{results.size}"
# Each result is a Dse::Graph::Edge object.
results.each do |e|
# Start with the label
puts "#{e.label}:"
# Now the id's of the two vertices that this edge connects.
puts " in id: #{e.in_v}"
puts " out id: #{e.out_v}"
# Edge properties are simple key-value pairs; sort of like
# meta-properties on vertices.
puts " edge_prop1: #{['edge_prop1']}"
# This supports the short-cut syntax as well:
puts " edge_prop1: #{e['edge_prop1']}"
Path and Arbitrary Objects
Paths describe a path between two vertices. The graph response from DSE does not indicate that the response is a path, so the driver cannot automatically coerce such results into Path objects. The driver returns a DSE::Graph::Result object in such cases, and you can coerce the result.
results = session.execute_graph('g.V().in().path()')
puts "Number of path results: #{results.size}"
results.each do |r|
# The 'value' of the result is a hash representation of the JSON result.
puts "first label: #{r.value['labels'].first}"
# Since we know this is a Path result, coerce it and use the Path object's methods.
p = r.as_path
puts "first label: #{p.labels.first}"
When a query has a simple result, the :value attribute of the result object contains the simple value rather than a hash.
results = session.execute_graph('g.V().count()')
puts "Number of vertices: #{results.first.value}"
Duration Graph Type
DSE Graph supports several datatypes for properties. The Duration type represents a duration of time. When DSE Graph returns properties of this type, the string representation is non-trivial and requires parsing in order for the user to really gain any information from it.
The driver includes a helper class to parse such responses from DSE graph as well as to send such values in bound paramters in requests:
# Create a Duration property in the schema called 'runtime' and declare that 'process' vertices can have this property.
schema.vertexLabel('process').properties('name', 'runtime').ifNotExists().create()")
# We want to record that a process ran for 1 hour, 2 minutes, 3.5 seconds.
runtime =, 1, 2, 3.5)
"graph.addVertex(label, 'process', 'name', 'calculator', 'runtime', my_runtime);",
arguments: {'my_runtime' => runtime})
# Now retrieve the vertex. Assume this is the only vertex in the graph for simplicity.
v = session.execute_graph('g.V()').first
runtime = Dse::Graph::Duration.parse(v['runtime'].first.value)
puts "#{runtime.hours} hours, #{runtime.minutes} minutes, #{runtime.seconds} seconds"
Miscellaneous Features
There are a number of other features in the api to make development easier.
# We can access particular items in the result-set via array dereference
p results[1]
# Run a query against a different graph, but don't mess with the cluster default.
results = session.execute_graph('g.V().count()', graph_name: 'my_other__graph')
# Create a Graph Options object that we can save off and use. The graph_options arg to execute_graph
# supports an Options object.
options =
options.graph_name = 'mygraph'
results = session.execute_graph('g.V().count()', graph_options: options)
# Set an "expert" option for which we don't have accessor methods.
# NOTE: Such options are not part of the public api and may change in a future release of DSE.
options.set('super-cool-option', true)
# Change the graph options on the cluster to alter subsequent query behavior.
# Switch to the analytics source in this case.
cluster.graph_options.graph_source = 'a'
results = session.execute_graph('g.V().count()')
# Create a statement object encapsulating a graph query, options, parameters,
# for ease of reuse.
statement ='g.V().limit(n)', {n: 3}, graph_name: 'mygraph')
results = session.execute_graph(statement)