Custom payloads
Starting with Cassandra v2.2+, every request can include custom payload. This payload is meant to be processed by custom query handlers on Cassandra. Default handlers simply ignore it.
- Given
- a running cassandra cluster
since cassadra v2.2
Sending custom payload
- Given
- the following example:Copy
require 'cassandra' cluster = Cassandra.cluster session = cluster.connect result = session.execute('SELECT unixTimestampOf(NOW()) as date FROM system.local', payload: {'some_key' => 'some_value'}) delta = - result.first['date'] / 1000 if delta < 0 || delta > 1 puts "failure" else puts "success" end
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
since cassadra v2.2
Mirroring a sent custom payload
- Given
- the following schema:Copy
CREATE KEYSPACE simplex WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}; USE simplex; CREATE TABLE test (k int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (k, v));
- And
- the following example:Copy
require 'cassandra' cluster = Cassandra.cluster session = cluster.connect("simplex") result = session.execute('SELECT * FROM test', payload: {'first_key' => 'first_value'}) puts result.execution_info.payload select = session.prepare('SELECT * FROM test WHERE k=?') result = session.execute(select, arguments: [0], payload: {'second_key' => 'second_value'}) puts result.execution_info.payload batch = session.batch do |b| b.add("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") end result = session.execute(batch, payload: {'third_key' => 'third_value', 'fourth_key' => 'fourth_value'}) puts result.execution_info.payload
- When
- payload mirroring query handler is enabled
- And
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
{"first_key"=>"first_value"} {"second_key"=>"second_value"} {"fourth_key"=>"fourth_value", "third_key"=>"third_value"}