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IGraphStatement Properties

The IGraphStatement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConsistencyLevel
Returns the consistency level to use for this statement.
Public propertyGraphLanguage
Gets the graph language to use with this statement.
Public propertyGraphName
Gets the graph name to use with this statement.
Public propertyGraphReadConsistencyLevel
Gets the consistency level used for read graph queries.
Public propertyGraphSource
Gets the graph traversal source name to use with this statement.
Public propertyGraphWriteConsistencyLevel
Gets the consistency level used for write graph queries.
Public propertyIsSystemQuery
Determines whether this statement is marked as a system query.
Public propertyReadTimeoutMillis
Gets the ReadTimeout for the statement that, when is different than 0, overrides ReadTimeoutMillis.

Use Infinite to disable timeouts for this Statement.

Public propertyTimestamp
Gets the default timestamp for this query.
See Also