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Dse.Mapping.Attributes Namespace

Public classClusteringKeyAttribute
Indicates that the property or field is part of the Clustering Key
Public classColumnAttribute
Used on a POCO property of field. Can be used to override the column name in the database that property or field maps to. When the ExplicitColumns is set, this attribute also indicates that a property or field should be mapped.
Public classCounterAttribute
Indicates that the property or field is a counter column
Public classFrozenAttribute
Indicates that the property or field is Frozen. Only valid for collections, tuples, and user-defined types.
Public classFrozenKeyAttribute
Indicates that the property or field represents a column which key is frozen. Only valid for maps and sets.
Public classFrozenValueAttribute
Indicates that the property or field represents a column which value is frozen. Only valid for maps and lists.
Public classIgnoreAttribute
Tells the mapper to ignore mapping this property.
Public classPartitionKeyAttribute
Indicates that the property or field is part of the Partition Key
Public classSecondaryIndexAttribute
Determines that there is a secondary index defined for the column
Public classStaticColumnAttribute
Indicates that the property or field is a static column in Cassandra
Public classTableAttribute
Used to specify the table a POCO maps to.