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CqlConditionalCommandTEntity Class

Represents an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE command with support for Lightweight transactions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Cassandra.Data.Linq
Assembly:  Cassandra (in Cassandra.dll) Version: 3.10.0
public class CqlConditionalCommand<TEntity> : CqlCommand

Type Parameters


The CqlConditionalCommandTEntity type exposes the following members.

Public methodExecute
Executes a conditional query and returns information whether it was applied.
Public methodExecute(String)
Executes a conditional query with the provided execution profile and returns information whether it was applied.
Public methodExecuteAsync
Asynchronously executes a conditional query and returns information whether it was applied.
Public methodExecuteAsync(String)
Asynchronously executes a conditional query with the provided execution profile and returns information whether it was applied.
Public methodSetConsistencyLevel
Public methodSetSerialConsistencyLevel
Public methodSetTimestamp
Sets the timestamp associated with this statement execution.
Public methodSetTTL
Sets the time for data in a column to expire (TTL) for INSERT and UPDATE commands.
Public methodToString
Generates and returns the Cql query
(Overrides RegularStatementToString.)
See Also