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CqlReader Class

Reads a forward-only stream of rows from Cassandra.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Cassandra.Data
Assembly:  Cassandra (in Cassandra.dll) Version: 3.12.0
public class CqlReader : DbDataReader

The CqlReader type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDepth (Overrides DbDataReaderDepth.)
Public propertyFieldCount
Gets the number of columns in the current row.
(Overrides DbDataReaderFieldCount.)
Public propertyHasRows (Overrides DbDataReaderHasRows.)
Public propertyIsClosed (Overrides DbDataReaderIsClosed.)
Public propertyItemInt32 (Overrides DbDataReaderItemInt32.)
Public propertyItemString (Overrides DbDataReaderItemString.)
Public propertyRecordsAffected (Overrides DbDataReaderRecordsAffected.)
Public methodClose (Overrides DbDataReaderClose.)
Public methodGetBoolean
Gets the value of the specified column as a Boolean.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetBoolean(Int32).)
Public methodGetByte
Gets the value of the specified column as a byte.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetByte(Int32).)
Public methodGetBytes
Reads a stream of bytes from the specified column, starting at location indicated by dataOffset, into the buffer, starting at the location indicated by bufferOffset.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetBytes(Int32, Int64, Byte, Int32, Int32).)
Public methodGetChar
Gets the value of the specified column as a single character.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetChar(Int32).)
Public methodGetChars
Reads a stream of characters from the specified column, starting at location indicated by dataOffset, into the buffer, starting at the location indicated by bufferOffset.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetChars(Int32, Int64, Char, Int32, Int32).)
Public methodGetDataTypeName
Gets name of the data type of the specified column.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetDataTypeName(Int32).)
Public methodGetDateTime
Gets the value of the specified column as a DateTime object.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetDateTime(Int32).)
Public methodGetDecimal
Gets the value of the specified column as a Decimal object.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetDecimal(Int32).)
Public methodGetDouble
Gets the value of the specified column as a double-precision floating point number.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetDouble(Int32).)
Public methodGetEnumerator (Overrides DbDataReader.GetEnumerator.)
Public methodGetFieldType
Gets the data type of the specified column.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetFieldType(Int32).)
Public methodGetFloat
Gets the value of the specified column as a single-precision floating point number.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetFloat(Int32).)
Public methodGetGuid
Gets the value of the specified column as a globally-unique identifier (GUID).
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetGuid(Int32).)
Public methodGetInt16
Gets the value of the specified column as a 16-bit signed integer.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetInt16(Int32).)
Public methodGetInt32
Gets the value of the specified column as a 32-bit signed integer.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetInt32(Int32).)
Public methodGetInt64
Gets the value of the specified column as a 64-bit signed integer.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetInt64(Int32).)
Public methodGetName
Gets the name of the column, given the zero-based column ordinal.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetName(Int32).)
Public methodGetOrdinal
Gets the column ordinal given the name of the column.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetOrdinal(String).)
Public methodGetSchemaTable (Overrides DbDataReaderGetSchemaTable.)
Public methodGetString (Overrides DbDataReaderGetString(Int32).)
Public methodGetValue
Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of Object.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetValue(Int32).)
Public methodGetValues
Populates an array of objects with the column values of the current row.
(Overrides DbDataReaderGetValues(Object).)
Public methodIsDBNull
Gets a value that indicates whether the column contains nonexistent or missing values.
(Overrides DbDataReaderIsDBNull(Int32).)
Public methodNextResult
Advances the reader to the next result when reading the results of a batch of statements.
(Overrides DbDataReaderNextResult.)
Public methodRead
Advances the reader to the next record in a result set.
(Overrides DbDataReaderRead.)
See Also