Reads a stream of bytes from the specified column, starting at location indicated by dataOffset , into the buffer, starting at the location indicated by bufferOffset .
Cassandra (in Cassandra.dll) Version: 3.13.0
Syntaxpublic override long GetBytes (
int ordinal ,
long dataOffset ,
byte [] buffer ,
int bufferOffset ,
int length
)Parameters ordinal Type: System Int32 The zero-based column ordinal. dataOffset Type: System Int64 The index within the row from which to begin the read operation. buffer Type: System Byte The buffer into which to copy the data. bufferOffset Type: System Int32 The index with the buffer to which the data will be copied. length Type: System Int32 The maximum number of characters to read. Return Value Type:
Int64 The actual number of bytes read.
Implements IDataRecord GetBytes(Int32, Int64, Byte , Int32, Int32) ExceptionsException Condition InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. IndexOutOfRangeException The index passed was outside the range of 0 through FieldCount .
See Also