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KeyspaceMetadata Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Cassandra
Assembly: Cassandra (in Cassandra.dll) Version: 3.4.0
public class KeyspaceMetadata

The KeyspaceMetadata type exposes the following members.

Public methodAsCqlQuery
Returns a CQL query representing this keyspace. This method returns a single 'CREATE KEYSPACE' query with the options corresponding to this name definition.
Public methodExportAsString
Return a String containing CQL queries representing this name and the table it contains. In other words, this method returns the queries that would allow to recreate the schema of this name, along with all its table. Note that the returned String is formatted to be human readable (for some definition of human readable at least).
Public methodGetAggregate
Gets a CQL aggregate by name and signature
Public methodGetFunction
Gets a CQL function by name and signature
Public methodGetMaterializedViewMetadata
Returns metadata of specified view in this keyspace.
Public methodGetTableMetadata
Returns metadata of specified table in this keyspace.
Public methodGetTablesMetadata
Returns metadata of all tables defined in this keyspace.
Public methodGetTablesNames
Returns names of all tables defined in this keyspace.
Public propertyDurableWrites
Gets a value indicating whether durable writes are set on this keyspace.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this keyspace.
Public propertyReplication
Returns the replication options for this keyspace.
Public propertyStrategyClass
Gets the Strategy Class of this keyspace.
See Also