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Policies Class
Represents the policies configured for a ICluster instance.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Cassandra
Assembly: Cassandra (in Cassandra.dll) Version: 3.4.0
public class Policies

The Policies type exposes the following members.

Public methodPolicies
Initializes a new instance of the Policies class
Public methodPolicies(ILoadBalancingPolicy, IReconnectionPolicy, IRetryPolicy)
Creates a new Policies object using the provided policies.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultLoadBalancingPolicy
The default load balancing policy.

The default load balancing policy is TokenAwarePolicy with DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy as child policy.

Public propertyStatic memberDefaultPolicies
Gets a new instance Policies containing default policies of the driver.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultReconnectionPolicy
The default reconnection policy.

The default reconnection policy is an ExponentialReconnectionPolicy where the base delay is 1 second and the max delay is 10 minutes;

Public propertyStatic memberDefaultRetryPolicy
The default retry policy.

The default retry policy is DefaultRetryPolicy.

Public propertyStatic memberDefaultSpeculativeExecutionPolicy
The ISpeculativeExecutionPolicy to be used by default.

The default is NoSpeculativeExecutionPolicy.

Public propertyStatic memberDefaultTimestampGenerator
Gets a new instance of the default ITimestampGenerator policy.

The default ITimestampGenerator is AtomicMonotonicTimestampGenerator

Public propertyLoadBalancingPolicy
Gets the load balancing policy in use.

The load balancing policy defines how Cassandra hosts are picked for queries.

Public propertyReconnectionPolicy
Gets the reconnection policy in use.

The reconnection policy defines how often the driver tries to reconnect to a dead node.

Public propertyRetryPolicy
Gets the retry policy in use.

The retry policy defines in which conditions a query should be automatically retries by the driver.

Public propertySpeculativeExecutionPolicy
Gets the SpeculativeExecutionPolicy in use.
Public propertyTimestampGenerator
Gets the ITimestampGenerator instance in use.
See Also