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DiagnosticsCassandraTraceSwitch Field
Specifies what messages should be passed to the output log when using the Trace API.

Field Value

Type: TraceSwitch
TraceLevel.Off - Output no tracing messages.

Field Value

Type: TraceSwitch
TraceLevel.Error - Output error-handling messages.

Field Value

Type: TraceSwitch
TraceLevel.Warning - Output warnings and error-handling messages.

Field Value

Type: TraceSwitch
TraceLevel.Info - Output informational messages, warnings, and error-handling messages.

Field Value

Type: TraceSwitch
TraceLevel.Verbose - Output all debugging and tracing messages.

Namespace: Cassandra
Assembly: Cassandra (in Cassandra.dll) Version: 3.6.0
public static readonly TraceSwitch CassandraTraceSwitch

Field Value

Type: TraceSwitch
Consider using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging API instead by adding a ILoggerProvider using the AddLoggerProvider(ILoggerProvider) method.
See Also