See: Description
Interface | Description |
Authenticator |
Handles SASL authentication with Cassandra servers.
AuthProvider |
Authenticator instances for use when connecting
to Cassandra nodes. |
Cluster.Initializer |
Initializer for
Cluster instances. |
GettableByIndexData |
Collection of (typed) CQL values that can be retrieved by index (starting at zero).
GettableByNameData |
Collection of (typed) CQL values that can be retrieved by name.
GettableData |
Collection of (typed) CQL values that can be retrieved either by index (starting at zero) or by name.
Host.LifecycleAwareStateListener |
StateListener that tracks when it gets registered or unregistered with a cluster. |
Host.StateListener |
Interface for listeners that are interested in hosts added, up, down and
removed events.
LatencyTracker |
Interface for objects that are interested in tracking the latencies
of the driver queries to each Cassandra nodes.
PagingIterable<S extends PagingIterable<S,T>,T> |
Defines an iterable whose elements can be remotely fetched and paged,
possibly asynchronously.
PreparedStatement |
Represents a prepared statement, a query with bound variables that has been
prepared (pre-parsed) by the database.
RemoteEndpointAwareSSLOptions |
Child interface to
SSLOptions with the possibility to pass remote endpoint data
when instantiating SslHandler s. |
ResultSet |
The result of a query.
ResultSetFuture |
A future on a
ResultSet . |
Row |
A CQL Row returned in a
ResultSet . |
SchemaChangeListener |
Interface for objects that are interested in tracking schema change events in the cluster.
Session |
A session holds connections to a Cassandra cluster, allowing it to be queried.
Session.State |
The state of a Session.
SettableByIndexData<T extends SettableByIndexData<T>> |
Collection of (typed) CQL values that can be set by index (starting at zero).
SettableByNameData<T extends SettableData<T>> |
Collection of (typed) CQL values that can set by name.
SettableData<T extends SettableData<T>> |
Collection of (typed) CQL values that can be set either by index (starting at zero) or by name.
SSLOptions |
Defines how the driver configures SSL connections.
TimestampGenerator |
Generates client-side, microsecond-precision query timestamps.
Class | Description |
AbstractGettableData | |
AbstractMonotonicTimestampGenerator |
Base implementation for monotonic timestamp generators.
AbstractSession |
Abstract implementation of the Session interface.
AbstractTableMetadata |
Base class for Tables and Materialized Views metadata.
AggregateMetadata |
Describes a CQL aggregate function (created with
AtomicMonotonicTimestampGenerator |
A timestamp generator that guarantees monotonically increasing timestamps among all client threads, and logs warnings
when timestamps drift in the future.
BatchStatement |
A statement that groups a number of
Statement so they get executed as
a batch. |
BoundStatement |
A prepared statement with values bound to the bind variables.
CloseFuture |
A future on the shutdown of a Cluster or Session instance.
Cluster |
Information and known state of a Cassandra cluster.
Cluster.Builder |
Helper class to build
Cluster instances. |
ClusterWidePercentileTracker |
PercentileTracker that aggregates all measurements into a single histogram. |
ClusterWidePercentileTracker.Builder |
Helper class to build
PerHostPercentileTracker instances with a fluent interface. |
CodecRegistry |
A registry for
TypeCodec s. |
CodecUtils |
A set of utility methods to deal with type conversion and serialization.
ColumnDefinitions |
Metadata describing the columns returned in a
ResultSet or a
PreparedStatement . |
ColumnDefinitions.Definition |
A column definition.
ColumnMetadata |
Describes a Column.
Configuration |
The configuration of the cluster.
Configuration.Builder |
A builder to create a new
Configuration object. |
DataType |
Data types supported by cassandra.
DataType.CollectionType |
Instances of this class represent collection types, that is,
lists, sets or maps.
DataType.CustomType |
A "custom" type is a type that cannot be expressed as a CQL type.
DataType.NativeType |
Instances of this class represent CQL native types,
also known as CQL primitive types.
DefaultPreparedStatement | |
DelegatingCluster |
Base class for custom
Cluster implementations that wrap another instance (delegate / decorator pattern). |
Duration |
Represents a duration.
ExecutionInfo |
Basic information on the execution of a query.
FunctionMetadata |
Describes a CQL function (created with
GuavaCompatibility |
A compatibility layer to support a wide range of Guava versions.
Host |
A Cassandra node.
IndexMetadata |
An immutable representation of secondary index metadata.
JdkSSLOptions | Deprecated
RemoteEndpointAwareJdkSSLOptions instead. |
JdkSSLOptions.Builder |
Helper class to build JDK-based SSL options.
KeyspaceMetadata |
Describes a keyspace defined in this cluster.
LocalDate |
A date with no time components, no time zone, in the ISO 8601 calendar.
LoggingMonotonicTimestampGenerator |
A monotonic timestamp generator that logs warnings when timestamps drift in the future
(see this class's constructors and
LoggingMonotonicTimestampGenerator.onDrift(long, long) for more information). |
MaterializedViewMetadata |
An immutable representation of a materialized view.
Metadata |
Keeps metadata on the connected cluster, including known nodes and schema definitions.
Metrics |
Metrics exposed by the driver.
MetricsOptions |
Metrics options. |
Native |
Helper class to deal with native system calls through the
JNR library.
NettyOptions |
A set of hooks that allow clients to customize the driver's underlying Netty layer.
NettySSLOptions | Deprecated
RemoteEndpointAwareNettySSLOptions instead. |
PagingState |
The paging state of a query.
ParseUtils |
Simple utility class used to help parsing CQL values (mainly UDT and collection ones).
PercentileTracker |
LatencyTracker that records query latencies over a sliding time interval, and exposes an API to retrieve
the latency at a given percentile. |
PercentileTracker.Builder<B,T> |
Base class for
PercentileTracker implementation builders. |
PerHostPercentileTracker |
PercentileTracker that maintains a separate histogram for each host. |
PerHostPercentileTracker.Builder |
Helper class to build
PerHostPercentileTracker instances with a fluent interface. |
PlainTextAuthProvider |
A simple
AuthProvider implementation. |
PoolingOptions |
Options related to connection pooling.
PreparedId |
Identifies a PreparedStatement.
ProtocolOptions |
Options of the Cassandra native binary protocol.
QueryLogger |
A configurable
LatencyTracker that logs all executed statements. |
QueryLogger.Builder |
Helper class to build
QueryLogger instances with a fluent API. |
QueryLogger.ConstantThresholdQueryLogger |
A QueryLogger that uses a constant threshold in milliseconds
to track slow queries.
QueryLogger.DynamicThresholdQueryLogger |
A QueryLogger that uses a dynamic threshold in milliseconds
to track slow queries.
QueryOptions |
Options related to defaults for individual queries.
QueryTrace |
The Cassandra trace for a query.
QueryTrace.Event |
A trace event.
RegularStatement |
A regular (non-prepared and non batched) CQL statement.
RemoteEndpointAwareJdkSSLOptions |
RemoteEndpointAwareSSLOptions implementation based on built-in JDK classes. |
RemoteEndpointAwareJdkSSLOptions.Builder |
Helper class to build JDK-based SSL options.
RemoteEndpointAwareNettySSLOptions |
RemoteEndpointAwareSSLOptions implementation based on Netty's SSL context. |
SchemaChangeListenerBase |
Base implementation for
SchemaChangeListener . |
ServerSideTimestampGenerator |
A timestamp generator that always returns
Long.MIN_VALUE , in order to let Cassandra
assign server-side timestamps. |
SimpleStatement |
A simple
RegularStatement implementation built directly from a query
string. |
SocketOptions |
Options to configure low-level socket options for the connections kept
to the Cassandra hosts.
Statement |
An executable query.
StatementWrapper |
Base class for custom
Statement implementations that wrap another statement. |
TableMetadata |
Describes a Table.
TableOptionsMetadata | |
ThreadingOptions |
A set of hooks that allow clients to customize the driver's internal executors.
ThreadLocalMonotonicTimestampGenerator |
A timestamp generator that guarantees monotonically increasing timestamps on a per-thread basis, and logs warnings
when timestamps drift in the future.
Token |
A token on the Cassandra ring.
TokenRange |
A range of tokens on the Cassandra ring.
TupleType |
A tuple type.
TupleValue |
A value for a Tuple.
TypeCodec<T> | |
TypeCodec.AbstractCollectionCodec<E,C extends Collection<E>> | |
TypeCodec.AbstractMapCodec<K,V> | |
TypeCodec.AbstractTupleCodec<T> |
Base class for codecs mapping CQL
tuples to Java objects. |
TypeCodec.AbstractUDTCodec<T> |
Base class for codecs mapping CQL
user-defined types (UDTs) to Java objects. |
TypeCodec.PrimitiveBooleanCodec |
A codec that is capable of handling primitive booleans,
thus avoiding the overhead of boxing and unboxing such primitives.
TypeCodec.PrimitiveByteCodec |
A codec that is capable of handling primitive bytes,
thus avoiding the overhead of boxing and unboxing such primitives.
TypeCodec.PrimitiveDoubleCodec |
A codec that is capable of handling primitive doubles,
thus avoiding the overhead of boxing and unboxing such primitives.
TypeCodec.PrimitiveFloatCodec |
A codec that is capable of handling primitive floats,
thus avoiding the overhead of boxing and unboxing such primitives.
TypeCodec.PrimitiveIntCodec |
A codec that is capable of handling primitive ints,
thus avoiding the overhead of boxing and unboxing such primitives.
TypeCodec.PrimitiveLongCodec |
A codec that is capable of handling primitive longs,
thus avoiding the overhead of boxing and unboxing such primitives.
TypeCodec.PrimitiveShortCodec |
A codec that is capable of handling primitive shorts,
thus avoiding the overhead of boxing and unboxing such primitives.
TypeTokens |
Utility methods to create
TypeToken instances. |
UDTValue |
A value for a User Defined Type.
UserType |
A User Defined Type (UDT).
UserType.Field |
A UDT field.
VersionNumber |
A version number in the form X.Y.Z with optional pre-release labels and build metadata.
Enum | Description |
BatchStatement.Type |
The type of batch to use.
ClusteringOrder |
Clustering orders.
ConsistencyLevel | |
DataType.Name |
The CQL type name.
HostDistance |
The distance to a Cassandra node as assigned by a
LoadBalancingPolicy (through its distance method). |
IndexMetadata.Kind | |
ProtocolOptions.Compression |
Compression supported by the Cassandra binary protocol.
ProtocolVersion |
Versions of the native protocol supported by the driver.
WriteType |
The type of a Cassandra write query.
The main entry for this package is the Cluster
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