Installing DataStax Bulk Loader


DataStax Bulk Loader lets you efficiently and reliably load and unload CSV/JSON data in and out of:

  • DataStax Astra DB databases

  • DataStax Enterprise (DSE) 5.1 and 6.8 databases

  • Open source Apache Cassandra@reg; 2.1 and later databases

DataStax Bulk Loader is open-source software. Join the community of developers who contribute to the product! See the public GitHub repo:

DataStax recommends using the latest DataStax Bulk Loader version, which is currently 1.11. DataStax Bulk Loader is supported on Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms.

You can use DataStax Bulk Loader as a standalone tool that connects remotely to a cluster. The tool is not required to run locally on a cluster node, but can be used in this configuration.

Using DataStax Bulk Loader requires a Java executable, as explained in the post-install requirements and recommendations section.

Installation steps

Apache-2.0 license agreement. By downloading this DataStax product, you agree to the terms of the open-source Apache-2.0 license agreement.

  1. Download the DataStax Bulk Loader tarball or zip file from the DSBulk Loader’s GitHub repo:

  2. Select the package for your OS: A tar file is provided for Linux and macOS; a zip file is provided for Windows.

  3. Unpack the downloaded distribution.

    Linux example:

    tar -xzvf dsbulk-{dsbulk-version}.tar.gz

Post-install requirements and recommendations

Java executable is required.

Using DataStax Bulk Loader requires a Java executable.

On macOS, Linux, and *nix systems, the rules used to find a Java executable are:

  1. Use $JAVA if defined

  2. Use ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java if defined

  3. Use $(/usr/libexec/java_home)/bin/java if defined

  4. Use the first Java executable found on $PATH

On Windows systems, the rules used to find a Java executable are:

  1. Use %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java if defined

  2. Use the first Java executable found on $PATH

You can pass system properties to the DataStax Bulk Loader process by exporting the environment variable DSBULK_JAVA_OPTS. This step can be useful, for example, to configure JMX monitoring, or to configure advanced authentication schemes such as Kerberos. For example, on a Linux system:

# Remote JMX configuration
# Kerberos configuration
# Invoke DSBulk
bin/dsbulk load -h -k ks1 -t table1 -url data.csv

Regarding any prior package installs

If you previously used a package install of DSE on the node where you just installed dsbulk, a prior version of dsbulk was included, such as 1.9.1. After unpacking the latest version of dsbulk from the standalone tarball, update your PATH so that it points to the new version.

For example, on a macOS node, edit your $HOME/.bashrc file, adding a command such as:

export PATH=path-to-unpacked-location/dsbulk-1.11/bin:$PATH

From the command line, execute your updated .bashrc, and verify the dsbulk version. Example:

source ~/.bashrc
dsbulk --version
DataStax Bulk Loader 1.11

What’s next?

Learn how to get started with DataStax Bulk Loader.

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