Configuring the Solr type mapping version

DSE Search uses Solr type mapping to define how Solr types are mapped to Cassandra types. DataStax Enterprise uses type mapping version 2.

The Solr type mapping version defines how Solr types are mapped to Cassandra Thrift or Cassandra types.

DataStax Enterprise uses type mapping version 2. New tables, including those using compact storage, that are created using CQL 3 require type mapping version 2. CQL 3 is the default mode in Cassandra 2.x and later that is based on CQL specification 3.1.0.

Tables that were migrated from previous DataStax Enterprise installations can keep the old mapping versions. Newly created non-CQL 3 tables require type mapping version 1.

Information about earlier versions: During and after upgrades from 3.2.x to 4.x, tables that were created with DataStax Enterprise 3.0.x require type mapping version 0. DataStax Enterprise 3.0 used type mapping version 0, also known as legacy mapping. DataStax Enterprise 3.1 used type mapping version 1.

To change the type mapping, configure dseTypeMappingVersion in the solrconfig.xml file:

Switching between versions is not recommended after the Solr core has been created successfully: attempting to load a solrconfig.xml file with a different dseTypeMappingVersion configuration and reloading the Solr core will cause an error.