Event emitted when an admin command has errored.

See AdminCommandEvent for more information about all the common properties available on this event.

Hierarchy (view full)



duration: number

The duration of the command, in milliseconds.

error: Error

The error that occurred.

Typically, some DevOpsAPIError, commonly a DevOpsAPIResponseError or sometimes a DevOpsUnexpectedStateError

longRunning: boolean

Whether the command is long-running or not, i.e. requires polling.

method: "GET" | "POST" | "DELETE"

The HTTP method for the request.

methodName: string

The method which invoked the request

name: string

The name of the event.

params?: Record<string, any>

The query parameters, if any.

path: string

The path for the request, not including the Base URL.

reqBody?: Record<string, any>

The request body, if any.
