Emitted when a command is started, before the initial HTTP request is made.

Note that these emit real commands, not any abstracted commands like "insertMany" or "updateMany", which may be split into multiple of those commands under the hood.

See CommandEvent for more information about all the common properties available on this event.

Hierarchy (view full)



command: Record<string, any>

The command object. Equal to the response body of the HTTP request.

Note that this is the actual raw command object; it's not necessarily 1:1 with methods called on the collection/db.


  insertOne: { document: { name: 'John' } }
commandName: string

The command name.

This is the key of the command object. For example, if the command object is { insertOne: { document: { name: 'John' } } }, the command name is insertOne.

keyspace: string

The keyspace the command is being run in.

name: string

The name of the event.

source?: string

The table/collection the command is being run on, if applicable.

timeout: Partial<TimeoutDescriptor>

The timeout for the command, in milliseconds.

url: string

The URL the command is being sent to.
