Event emitted when the Data API returned a warning for some command.

See CommandEvent for more information about all the common properties available on this event.

Hierarchy (view full)



command: Record<string, any>

The command object. Equal to the response body of the HTTP request.

Note that this is the actual raw command object; it's not necessarily 1:1 with methods called on the collection/db.


  insertOne: { document: { name: 'John' } }
commandName: string

The command name.

This is the key of the command object. For example, if the command object is { insertOne: { document: { name: 'John' } } }, the command name is insertOne.

keyspace: string

The keyspace the command is being run in.

name: string

The name of the event.

source?: string

The table/collection the command is being run on, if applicable.

url: string

The URL the command is being sent to.

The warnings that occurred.
