
Represents a duration column for Data API tables.

Internally represented as a number of months, days, and nanoseconds (units which are not directly convertible to each other).


The duration may be one of four different formats:

Standard duration format

Matches -?(<number><unit>)+, where the unit is one of:

  • y (years; 12 months)
  • mo (months)
  • w (weeks; 7 days)
  • d (days)
  • h (hours; 3,600,000,000,000 nanoseconds)
  • m (minutes; 60,000,000,000 nanoseconds)
  • s (seconds; 1,000,000,000 nanoseconds)
  • ms (milliseconds; 1,000,000 nanoseconds)
  • us or µs (microseconds; 1,000 nanoseconds)
  • ns (nanoseconds)

At least one of the above units must be present, and they must be in the order shown above.

Units in this format are case-insensitive.


ISO 8601 duration format

Matches -?P<date>[T<time>]?, where <date> is (<number><date_unit>)* and <time> is (<number><time_unit>)+.

<date_unit> is one of:

  • Y (years)
  • M (months)
  • D (days)

<time_unit> is one of:

  • H (hours)
  • M (minutes)
  • S (seconds)

The P delimiter is required, and the T delimiter is only required if <time> is present.

Units (case-sensitive) must appear in the order shown above.

Milli/micro/nanoseconds may be provided as a fractional component of the seconds unit.


ISO 8601 week duration format

Matches -?P<weeks>W exactly. No trailing T, or any other units, are allowed in this (case-sensitive) format.


ISO 8601 alternate duration format

Matches -?P<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>T<hh>:<mm>:<ss> exactly.

The date and time components must be in the order, length, and case shown, and the P & T delimiters are required.




There are a few different ways to initialize a new DataAPIDuration:


// Parse a duration given one of the above duration-string formats
new DataAPIDuration('1y2mo3w4d5h6m7s8ms9us10ns');
new DataAPIDuration('P1Y2M3DT4H5M6.007S');
new DataAPIDuration('-P2W');
new DataAPIDuration('P0001-02-03T04:05:06');

// Create a `DataAPIDuration` from months, days, and nanoseconds
new DataAPIDuration(0, 10, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3).negate();

// Create a `DataAPIDuration` using the builder class

The duration shorthand

You may use the duration shorthand function-object anywhere when creating new DataAPIDurations.


// equiv. to `new DataAPIDuration('-2w')`

// equiv. to `new DataAPIDuration(2, 1, 0)`
duration(12, 1, 0)

// equiv. to `DataAPIDuration.builder().build()`

See the official DataStax documentation for more information.


  • duration
  • DataAPIDurationBuilder



  • Overview

    Parses a DataAPIDuration from a string in one of the supported formats.

    See DataAPIDuration for more info about the supported formats.


    • duration: string

      The duration to parse

    Returns DataAPIDuration


    new DataAPIDuration('1y2mo3w4d5h6m7s8ms9us10ns');

    new DataAPIDuration('P1Y2M3DT4H5M6.007S');


  • Internal

    Should not be called by user directly.


    • duration: string
    • fromDataAPI: boolean

    Returns DataAPIDuration

  • Overview

    Creates a DataAPIDuration from the given months, days, and nanoseconds.

    Either all parts must be positive, or all parts must be negative, to represent the duration's sign.

    The parts must be integers in the following ranges:

    • months and days must be less than or equal to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1)
    • nanoseconds must be less than or equal to 9223372036854775807 (2^31 - 1)


    • months: number

      The months component of the duration

    • days: number

      The days component of the duration

    • nanoseconds: number | bigint

      The nanoseconds component of the duration

    Returns DataAPIDuration


    new DataAPIDuration(2, 1, 0);

    duration(0, 10, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3).negate();


days: number

The days component of this DataAPIDuration.

May be negative if and only if the other components are also negative.

months: number

The months component of this DataAPIDuration.

May be negative if and only if the other components are also negative.

nanoseconds: bigint

The nanoseconds component of this DataAPIDuration.

May be negative if and only if the other components are also negative.

NS_PER_HOUR: 3600000000000n = ...

Nanoseconds per hour.

NS_PER_MIN: 60000000000n = ...

Nanoseconds per minute.

NS_PER_MS: 1000000n = ...

Nanoseconds per millisecond.

NS_PER_SEC: 1000000000n = ...

Nanoseconds per second.

NS_PER_US: 1000n = ...

Nanoseconds per microsecond.


  • Overview

    Checks if this DataAPIDuration is equal to another DataAPIDuration.

    Two durations are only equal if all of their individuals components are equal to each other.


    Returns boolean

    true if the durations are exactly equal, or false otherwise


    duration('1y2d').equals(duration('P1Y2D')) // true

    duration('-7d').equals(duration('-P1W')) // true

    duration('1y').equals(duration('12mo')) // true

    duration('1y').equals(duration('365d')) // false
  • Overview

    Checks if this DataAPIDuration has day precision—that is, if the nanoseconds component is zero.

    This means that no hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds are present.

    Returns boolean

    true if this DataAPIDuration has day precision, or false otherwise

  • Overview

    Checks if this DataAPIDuration has millisecond precision—that is, if the nanoseconds component is a multiple of 1,000,000.

    This means that no microseconds or nanoseconds are present.

    If true, it entails that DataAPIDuration.nanoseconds & DataAPIDuration.toMicros may be safely cast to number.

    Returns boolean

    true if this DataAPIDuration has millisecond precision, or false otherwise

  • Overview

    Checks if the sign of this DataAPIDuration is negative.

    Returns boolean

    true if the sign of this DataAPIDuration is negative, or false otherwise

  • Overview

    Checks if this DataAPIDuration is zero—that is, if all components are zero.

    Returns boolean

    true if this DataAPIDuration is zero, or false otherwise

  • Overview

    Returns a new DataAPIDuration that is the sum of this DataAPIDuration and another DataAPIDuration.

    Each component of the other DataAPIDuration is added to the corresponding component of this DataAPIDuration.

    However, if the signs of the two durations differ, null is returned. A positive duration cannot be added to a negative duration, and vice versa.


    • other: DataAPIDuration

      The other DataAPIDuration to add to this DataAPIDuration

    Returns null | DataAPIDuration

    A new DataAPIDuration that is the sum of this DataAPIDuration and the other DataAPIDuration, or null if the signs differ


    duration('1y').plus(duration('1y')) // '2y'

    duration('1y').plus(duration('1mo1s')) // '1y1mo1s'

    duration('1y').plus(duration('-1mo').abs()) // '1y1mo'

    duration('1y').plus(duration('-1mo')) // null

    Note that this may lead to an error being thrown if any of the individual components exceed their maximum values.

  • Overview

    Returns the number of hours in this DataAPIDuration, calculated solely from the nanoseconds component.

    Note: this does not factor in the months or days components.

    Equivalent to Number(duration.nanoseconds / 3_600_000_000_000).

    Returns number

    The number of hours in this DataAPIDuration derived from the nanoseconds component


    duration('10m').toHours() // 0

    duration('-50h150m').toHours() // -52

    duration('1y15mo1h').toHours() // 1

    duration('500d').toHours() // 0
  • Overview

    Returns the number of microseconds in this DataAPIDuration, calculated solely from the nanoseconds component.

    Note: this does not factor in the months or days components.

    Equivalent to Number(duration.nanoseconds / 1_000).

    Returns bigint

    The number of microseconds in this DataAPIDuration derived from the nanoseconds component


    duration('1y50us').toMicros() // 50n

    duration('1y50ns').toMicros() // 0n

    duration('1h50ns').toMicros() // 3600000000n
  • Overview

    Returns the number of milliseconds in this DataAPIDuration, calculated solely from the nanoseconds component.

    Note: this does not factor in the months or days components.

    Equivalent to Number(duration.nanoseconds / 1_000_000).

    Returns number

    The number of milliseconds in this DataAPIDuration derived from the nanoseconds component


    duration('10ns').toMillis() // 0

    duration('1y50h150m').toMillis() // 189000000

    duration('-1y15mo1h').toMillis() // -3600000
  • Overview

    Returns the number of minutes in this DataAPIDuration, calculated solely from the nanoseconds component.

    Note: this does not factor in the months or days components.

    Equivalent to Number(duration.nanoseconds / 60_000_000_000).

    Returns number

    The number of minutes in this DataAPIDuration derived from the nanoseconds component


    duration('10ms').toMinutes() // 0

    duration('2y50h150m').toMinutes() // 3150

    duration('-1y15mo1h').toMinutes() // -60
  • Overview

    Returns the number of seconds in this DataAPIDuration, calculated solely from the nanoseconds component.

    Note: this does not factor in the months or days components.

    Equivalent to Number(duration.nanoseconds / 1_000_000_000).

    Returns number

    The number of seconds in this DataAPIDuration derived from the nanoseconds component


    duration('10ns').toSeconds() // 0

    duration('1y50h150m').toSeconds() // 189000

    duration('-1y15mo1h').toSeconds() // -3600
  • Overview

    Returns the human-friendly string representation of this DataAPIDuration

    Returns string

    The string representation of this DataAPIDuration


    duration('15mo').toString() // '1y3mo'

    duration('-5ms10000us').toString() // '-15ms'
  • Overview

    Returns the number of years in this DataAPIDuration, calculated solely from the months component.

    Note: this does not factor in the days or nanoseconds components.

    Equivalent to Math.floor(duration.months / 12).

    Returns number

    The number of years in this DataAPIDuration derived from the months component


    duration('1y15mo').toYears() // 2

    duration('-1y15mo').toYears() // -2

    duration('1y800d').toYears() // 1
  • Overview

    Helpful utility for manually creating new DataAPIDuration instances.

    Contains builder methods for incrementally adding duration components, and negating the final result.


    You may call each .add*() method any number of times, in any order, before calling build.

    The .negate(sign?) method may be called at any time to negate the final result.

    • You may pass a boolean to .negate(sign?) to definitively set the sign
    • Otherwise, the sign will be toggled.

    A base duration may be provided to initialize the builder with its components and its sign.


    • this: void
    • Optional base: DataAPIDuration

      The base DataAPIDuration to initialize the builder with, if any

    Returns DataAPIDurationBuilder


    const base = duration('1y');

    // '-1y3d15h'
    const span = duration.builder(base)

