Interface DatabaseInfo

The user-provided information describing a database

interface DatabaseInfo {
    additionalKeyspaces?: string[];
    capacityUnits: number;
    cloudProvider?: DatabaseCloudProvider;
    datacenters?: DatacenterInfo[];
    dbType?: "vector";
    keyspace?: string;
    keyspaces?: string[];
    name: string;
    password?: string;
    region: string;
    tier: DatabaseTier;
    user?: string;


additionalKeyspaces?: string[]

Additional keyspace names in database.

capacityUnits: number

The amount of space available (horizontal scaling) for the database. For free tier the max CU's is 1, and 100 for CXX/DXX the max is 12 on startup.

cloudProvider?: DatabaseCloudProvider

Cloud provider where the database lives

datacenters?: DatacenterInfo[]

The datacenters for the database

dbType?: "vector"

Type of the serverless database, currently only supported value is “vector”. "vector" creates a cassandra database with vector support. Field not being inputted creates default serverless database.

keyspace?: string

Keyspace (aka namespace) name in database. If not passed, keyspace is created with name "default_keyspace"

keyspaces?: string[]

All keyspace names in database.

name: string

Name of the database--user friendly identifier

password?: string

The password to connect to the database.

region: string

The cloud region where the database is located.

Tier defines the compute power (vertical scaling) for the database, developer gcp is the free tier.

user?: string

The user to connect to the database.