Interface DefaultIdOptions

Represents the options for the default ID.

If type is not specified, the default ID will be a string UUID.


type - The type of the default ID.

interface DefaultIdOptions {
    type: "uuid" | "uuidv6" | "uuidv7" | "objectId";



type: "uuid" | "uuidv6" | "uuidv7" | "objectId"

The type of the default ID that the API should generate if no ID is provided in the inserted document.

If not specified, the default ID will be a string UUID.

Type Description Example
uuid A UUID v4. new UUID('f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479')
uuidv6 A UUID v6. new UUID('6f752f1a-6b6d-4f3e-8e1e-2e167e3b5f3d')
uuidv7 A UUID v7. new UUID('018e75ff-a07b-7b08-bb91-aa566c5abaa6')
objectId An ObjectID. new ObjectId('507f1f77bcf86cd799439011')
default A string UUID. 'f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479'


const collection = await db.createCollection('my-collection');

// { name: 'Jessica', _id: 'f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479' }
await collection.insertOne({ name: 'Jessica' });


const collection = await db.createCollection('my-collection', {
  defaultId: { type: 'uuidv6' },

// { name: 'Allman', _id: UUID('6f752f1a-6b6d-6f3e-8e1e-2e167e3b5f3d') }
await collection.insertOne({ name: 'Allman' });


const collection = await db.createCollection('my-collection', {
  defaultId: { type: 'objectId' },

// { name: 'Brothers', _id: ObjectId('507f1f77bcf86cd799439011') }
await collection.insertOne({ name: 'Brothers' });


Make sure you're keeping this all in mind if you're specifically typing your _id field.