Interface EmbeddingProviderInfo

Info about a specific embedding provider


displayName - The prettified name of the provider (as shown in the portal)


url - The embeddings endpoint used for the provider


supportedAuthentication - Enabled methods of auth for the provider


parameters - Any additional parameters the provider may take in


models - The specific models that the provider supports



interface EmbeddingProviderInfo {
    displayName: string;
    models: EmbeddingProviderModelInfo[];
    parameters: EmbeddingProviderProviderParameterInfo[];
    supportedAuthentication: Record<string, EmbeddingProviderAuthInfo>;
    url: string;


displayName: string

The prettified name of the provider (as shown in the Astra portal).


// openai.displayName:

The specific models that the provider supports.

May include an endpoint-defined-model for some providers, such as huggingfaceDedicated, where the model may be truly arbitrary.


// nvidia.models[0]
  name: 'NV-Embed-QA',
  vectorDimension: 1024,
  parameters: [],

// huggingfaceDedicated.models[0]
  name: 'endpoint-defined-model',
  vectorDimension: null,
  parameters: [{
  name: 'vectorDimension',
  type: 'number',
  required: true,
  defaultValue: '',
  validation: {
  numericRange: [2, 3072],
  help: 'Vector dimension to use in the database, should be the same as ...',

Any additional, arbitrary parameters the provider may take in. May or may not be required.

Passed into the parameters block in VectorizeServiceOptions (except for vectorDimension).


// openai.parameters[1]
  name: 'projectId',
  type: 'STRING',
  required: false,
  defaultValue: '',
  validation: {},
  help: 'Optional, OpenAI Project ID. If provided passed as `OpenAI-Project` header.',
supportedAuthentication: Record<string, EmbeddingProviderAuthInfo>

Supported methods of authentication for the provider.

Possible methods include HEADER, SHARED_SECRET, and NONE.

  • HEADER: Authentication using direct API keys passed through headers on every Data API call. See EmbeddingHeadersProvider for more info.
const collection = await db.createCollection('my_coll', {
  service: {
  provider: 'openai',
  modelName: 'text-embedding-3-small',
  authentication: {
  // Name of the key in Astra portal's OpenAI integration (KMS).
  providerKey: '*KEY_NAME*',
  • SHARED_SECRET: Authentication tied to a collection at collection creation time using the Astra KMS.
const collection = await db.collection('my_coll', {
  // Not tied to the collection; can be different every time.
  embeddingApiKey: 'sk-...',
  • NONE: For when a client doesn't need authentication to use (e.g. nvidia).
const collection = await db.createCollection('my_coll', {
  service: {
  provider: 'nvidia',
  modelName: 'NV-Embed-QA',


// openai.supportedAuthentication.HEADER:
  enabled: true,
  tokens: [{
  accepted: 'x-embedding-api-key',
  forwarded: 'Authorization',
url: string

The embeddings endpoint used for the provider.

May use a Python f-string-style string interpolation pattern for certain providers which take in additional parameters (such as huggingfaceDedicated or azureOpenAI).


// openai.url:

// huggingfaceDedicated.url: