Interface InsertOneOptions

Options for the insertOne command.


maxTimeMS - The maximum time to wait for a response from the server, in milliseconds.



interface InsertOneOptions {
    maxTimeMS?: number;
    vector?: number[];
    vectorize?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


maxTimeMS?: number

The maximum time to wait for a response from the server, in milliseconds.

vector?: number[]

An optional vector to use for the document, if using a vector-enabled collection.

This is purely for the user's convenience and intuitiveness—it is equivalent to setting the $vector field on the document itself. The two are interchangeable, but mutually exclusive.

NB. Setting this field will cause a shallow copy of the document to be made. If performance is a concern, it is recommended to directly set the $vector field on the document itself.

If the document already has a $vector field, and this is set, the $vector field will be overwritten. It is up to the user to ensure that both fields are not set at once.


  • Prefer to set the $vector field in the doc directly
vectorize?: string

Akin to InsertOneOptions.vector, but for $vectorize. * *


  • Prefer to set the $vectorize field in the doc directly