Type alias LocalCreateKeyspaceOptions

LocalCreateKeyspaceOptions: CreateKeyspaceOptions & {
    replication?: KeyspaceReplicationOptions;

Represents the options for creating a keyspace on a non-Astra database (i.e. blocking options + keyspace creation options).

If no replication options are provided, it will default to 'SimpleStrategy' with a replication factor of 1.

See AdminBlockingOptions for more options about blocking behavior.

If updateDbKeyspace is set to true, the underlying Db instance used to create the DbAdmin will have its current working keyspace set to the newly created keyspace immediately (even if the keyspace isn't technically yet created).

Type declaration


// If using non-astra, this may be a common idiom:
const client = new DataAPIClient({ environment: 'dse' });
const db = client.db('<endpoint>', { token: '<token>' });

// Will internally call `db.useKeyspace('new_keyspace')`
await db.admin().createKeyspace('new_keyspace', {
  updateDbKeyspace: true,

// Creates collection in keyspace `new_keyspace` by default now
const coll = db.createCollection('my_coll');