Getting Started with Astra CLI

Read this topic to learn how to get started with Astra CLI.


Before issuing CLI astra commands, initialize the configuration file ~/.astrarc. Run the following command. You will be asked to provide your token, which begins with AstraCS:.... The token will be saved so that you’re authorized to run the CLI commands.

astra setup


    _____            __
   /  _  \   _______/  |_____________
  /  /_\  \ /  ___/\   __\_  __ \__  \
/    |    \\___ \  |  |  |  | \// __ \_
\____|__  /____  > |__|  |__|  (____  /
         \/     \/                   \/

        ---       SETUP      ---

🔑 Enter token (starting with AstraCS...):

You are all set. The configuration (mainly your token) is stored in file ~/.astrarc.

First commands

  • Display current version of the cli, validating setup is complete.

astra --version
  • Display your configuration list.

bash astra config list


 | configuration                           |
 | default (   |
 |             |

Get Help

Once installed, Astra CLI provides extensive documentation for any command.

It also provides some bash autocompletion, use the TAB key twice to get a list of propositions.


astra <TAB> <TAB>


 --no-color  config      db          help        role        setup       shell       user
  • Command-line documentation*

Groups of command will get you the different command avalable.

  • Display main help

astra help


usage: astra <command> [ <args> ]

Commands are:
    help     View help for any command
    setup    Initialize configuration file
    shell    Interactive mode (default if no command provided)
    config   Manage configuration file
    db       Manage databases
    role     Manage roles (RBAC)
    user     Manage users

See 'astra help <command>' for more information on a specific command.
  • Display help for a command group, such as: astra db

astra help db


        astra db - Manage databases

        astra db { cqlsh | create | create-keyspace | delete | dsbulk | get |
                list } [--] [ --token <AUTH_TOKEN> ]
                [ --config-file <CONFIG_FILE> ] [ --no-color ]
                [ {-v | --verbose} ] [ {-conf | --config} <CONFIG_SECTION> ]
                [ --log <LOG_FILE> ] [ {-o | --output} <FORMAT> ] [cmd-options]

        Where command-specific options [cmd-options] are:
            cqlsh: [ --debug ] [ {-f | --file} <FILE> ] [ {-k | --keyspace} <KEYSPACE> ]
                    [ --version ] [ {-e | --execute} <STATEMENT> ] [ --encoding <ENCODING> ]
            create: [ {-k | --keyspace} <KEYSPACE> ] [ --if-not-exist ] [ {-r | --region} <DB_REGION> ]
            create-keyspace: {-k | --keyspace} <KEYSPACE> [ --if-not-exist ]

        Where command-specific arguments <cmd-args> are:
            cqlsh: <DB>
            create: <DB_NAME>
            create-keyspace: <DB>
            delete: <DB>
            dsbulk: [ <dsbulkArguments>... ]
            get: <DB>

        See 'astra help db <command>' for more information on a specific command.
  • Display help for a specific command, such as: astra db list

For unitary commands all options details are provided.

astra help db list


        astra db list - Display the list of Databases in an organization

        astra db list [ {-conf | --config} <CONFIG_SECTION> ]
                [ --config-file <CONFIG_FILE> ] [ --log <LOG_FILE> ]
                [ --no-color ] [ {-o | --output} <FORMAT> ]
                [ --token <AUTH_TOKEN> ] [ {-v | --verbose} ]

        -conf <CONFIG_SECTION>, --config <CONFIG_SECTION>
            Section in configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
            Configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        --log <LOG_FILE>
            Logs will go in the file plus on console

            Remove all colors in output

        -o <FORMAT>, --output <FORMAT>
            Output format, valid values are: human,json,csv

        --token <AUTH_TOKEN>
            Key to use authenticate each call.

        -v, --verbose
            Verbose mode with log in console

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