Tarball installation directories

Configuration files directory locations.

The configuration files are located in the following directories:

Configuration and sample files Locations Description
cassandra.yaml install_location/conf Main configuration file.
cassandra-env.sh install_location/conf Linux settings for Java, heap, JVM, and JMX.
cassandra.in.sh install_location/bin Sets environment variables.
cassandra-rackdc.properties install_location/conf Defines the default datacenter and rack used by the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch, Ec2Snitch, Ec2MultiRegionSnitch, and GoogleCloudSnitch.
cassandra-topology.properties install_location/conf Defines the default datacenter and rack used by the PropertyFileSnitch.
commit_archiving.properties install_location/conf Configures commitlog archiving.
cqlshrc.sample install_location/conf Example file for using cqlsh with SSL encryption.
metrics-reporter-config-sample.yaml install_location/conf Example file for configuring metrics in Cassandra.
logback.xml install_location/conf Configuration file for logback.
triggers install_location/conf The default location for the trigger JARs.

The binary tarball releases install into the installation directory.

Directories Description
bin Utilities and start scripts
conf Configuration files and environment settings
data Files for commitlog, data, and saved_caches (unless set in cassandra.yaml)
interface Thrift and Avro client APIs
javadoc Cassandra Java API documentation
lib JAR and license files
tools Cassandra tools and sample cassandra.yaml files for stress testing.