
Dump the contents of the specified SSTable in JSON format

This tool outputs the contents of the specified SSTable in the JSON format.

Depending on your task, you may wish to flush the table to disk (using nodetool flush)before dumping its contents.


  • Cassandra package installations:
    sstabledump [options]  sstable_file
  • Cassandra tarball installations:
    cd install_location/tools
    $ bin/sstabledump [options] sstable_file
The file is located in the data directory and has a .db extension.
  • Cassandra package installations: /var/lib/cassandra/data
  • Cassandra tarball installations: install_location/data/data
Table 1. Options
Flag Description
-d Outputs an internal representation, one CQL row per line.
-e Limits output to the list of keys.
-k key Limits output to information about the row identified by the specified key.
-xkey Excludes information about the row identified by the specified key from output.