Installing the DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra 3.x on any Linux-based platform

Install on all Linux-based platforms using a binary tarball.

DataStax no longer provides the DataStax Community version of Apache Cassandra™ or the DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra. See DataStax support for Apache Cassandra.
To download and install the latest version of open-source Cassandra, see
Attention: OpsCenter is not supported or installed with Cassandra 2.2 and later.

Use these steps to install Cassandra on all Linux-based platforms using a binary tarball.

Use this install for Mac OS X and platforms without package support, or if you do not have or want a root installation.


The binary tarball runs as a stand-alone process.


In a terminal window:

  1. Check which version of Java is installed by running the following command:
    $ java -version
    It is recommended to use the latest version of Oracle Java 8 or OpenJDK 8 on all nodes.
  2. Download the DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra 3.x:
    $ curl -L | tar xz
    To view the available versions, see the DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra download page. If you download from this page, use the following command to untar:
    $ tar -xvzf datastax-ddc-version_number-bin.tar.gz
    Note: Cassandra utilities, such as sstablelevelreset, sstablemetadata, sstableofflinerelevel, sstablerepairedset, sstablesplit, and token-generator, are automatically installed. Each utility provides usage/help information; type help after entering the command.
  3. For instructions about configuring Cassandra for use without root permissions, click here.
  4. To configure Cassandra, go to the install/conf directory:
    $ cd datastax-ddc-version_number/conf
  5. Optional: Single-node cluster installations only.
    1. Start Cassandra:
      $ cd install_location
      $ bin/cassandra ## use -f to start Cassandra in the foreground
      Note: Cassandra 3.8 and later: Startup is aborted if corrupted transaction log files are found and the affected log files are logged. See the log files for information on resolving the situation.
    2. Verify that DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra is running:
      $ install_location
      /bin/nodetool status
      Datacenter: datacenter1
      |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
      --  Address             Load       Tokens  Owns    Host ID                               Rack
      UN KB   47.66 KB   256     100%    aaa1b7c1-6049-4a08-ad3e-3697a0e30e10  rack1

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