Valid characters in names

Keyspace and table names can only contain alpha-number characters and underscores, all other identifier names support any characters.

Keyspace and table names must begin with an alpha-numeric character and can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores. All other names, such as COLUMN, FUNCTION, AGGREGATE, TYPE, etc., can begin with and contain any character.

To specify a name that contains a special character, like period (.) or hyphen (-), enclose the name in double quotes.

Table 1. What Works and What Doesn't
Creations that Work Creations that Don't Work
CREATE TABLE foo ... CREATE TABLE foo!$% ...
CREATE TABLE foo_bar ... CREATE TABLE foo[]"90 ...
CREATE TABLE foo ("what#*&" text, ...) CREATE TABLE foo (what#*& text, ...)
ALTER TABLE foo5 ... ALTER TABLE "foo5$$"...
CREATE FUNCTION "foo5$$$^%" ... CREATE FUNCTION foo5$$...
CREATE TYPE foo5 ("bar#"9 text, ... CREATE TYPE foo5 (bar#9 text ...