Altering a table
How to alter a table to add or delete columns or change table properties.
Tables can be changed with the ALTER
Altering columns in a table
Adding or changing columns to a table with the ALTER TABLE command.
command can be used to add new columns to a table
and to alter the column type of an existing column.
Add a age column of type int to the
table cycling.cyclist_alt_stats.
cqlsh> ALTER TABLE cycling.cyclist_alt_stats ADD age int;
This creates the column metadata and adds the column to the table schema, and sets the value to NULL for all rows.
Add a column favorite_color of
varchar, and then change the data type of the same
column to text.
cqlsh> ALTER TABLE cycling.cyclist_alt_stats ADD favorite_color varchar; ALTER TABLE cycling.cyclist_alt_stats ALTER favorite_color TYPE text;
Note: There are limitations on altering the data type of a column. The two data types, the original and the one changing to, must be compatible.
Altering a table to add a collection
Adding or changing collection columns to a table with the ALTER TABLE command.
command can be used to add new collection columns to
a table and to alter the column type of an existing column.
Alter the table cycling.upcoming_calendar to add a
collection map description that can store a description for
each race listed.
cqlsh> ALTER TABLE cycling.upcoming_calendar ADD description map<text,text>;
After updating cycling.upcoming_calendar table to insert
some data, description can be displayed.
cqlsh> UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar SET description = description + {'Criterium du Dauphine' : "Easy race', 'Tour du Suisse' : 'Hard uphill race'} WHERE year = 2015 AND month = 6;
Altering the data type of a column
Changing the data type of a column after it is defined or added to a table using ALTER TABLE.
Using ALTER TABLE, you can change the data type of a column after it is defined or added to a table.
column to store as
instead of varchar
by changing the
data type of the column.
ALTER TABLE cycling.cyclist_alt_stats ADD favorite_color varchar;
ALTER TABLE cycling.cyclist_alt_stats ALTER favorite_color TYPE text;
Altering the table properties
Changing the table properties after the table properties are defined or adding table properties to a table using ALTER TABLE.
Using ALTER TABLE, you can change the table properties of a table.
cqlsh> ALTER TABLE cycling.race_winners WITH caching = {'keys' : 'NONE', 'rows_per_partition' : '15' };