Using the ExtendedDisMax query parser

The ExtendedDisMax Query Parser (eDisMax) includes more features than than the traditional Solr query parser, such as multi-field query (Disjunction Max Query), relevancy calculations, full query syntax, and aliasing.

The traditional Solr query parser (defType=lucene) is the default query parser and intended for compatibility with traditional Solr queries. The ExtendedDisMax Query Parser (eDisMax) includes more features than than the traditional Solr query parser, such as multi-field query (Disjunction Max Query), relevancy calculations, full query syntax, and aliasing. eDisMax is essentially a combination of the traditional Solr query parser and the dismax query parser, plus a number of other functional and usability enhancements. It is the most powerful query parser for Solr that is offered out of the box. For more information, see Solr 4.x Deep Dive by Jack Krupansky.

eDisMax supports phrase query features, such as phrase fields and phrase slop. You can use full query syntax to search multiple fields transparently, eliminating the need for inefficient copyField directives.

eDisMax example

To query the mykeyspace.mysolr table from collection set example using eDisMax, specify the edismax deftype, and query the default field for either of two words: yearning or kills.:
      select?&defType=edismax&q=yearning or kills
Output in json format is:
           "quotes":["Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it.",
           "There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning."],
           "name":"Christopher Morley"
           "quotes":["In matters of self-control as we shall see again and again, speed kills.
            But a little friction really can save lives.", "We Have Met the Enemy: 
            Self-Control in an Age of Excess."],
           "name":"Daniel Akst"}]

Document level boosting 

To add document-level boosting on CQL 3 tables, add a column named _docBoost of type float to the table. Fields belonging to that document will be boosted at indexing time.