Modifying a user-defined type

Adding columns to a user-defined type with the ALTER TYPE command.

Use the ALTER TYPE command to add new fields to a user-defined type or to rename an existing field.


  • Add a middlename field of type text to the user-defined type cycling.fullname.
    ALTER TYPE cycling.fullname ADD middlename text;

    This creates the field metadata and adds the field to the type schema.

    To verify the changes, use DESC TYPE.
    DESC TYPE cycling.fullname ;
    The middle name columns shows in the type definition.
    CREATE TYPE cycling.fullname (
        firstname text,
        lastname text,
        middlename text
  • To change the name of an existing field use RENAME.
    ALTER TYPE cycling.fullname 
    RENAME middlename TO middleinitial;
    DESC TYPE cycling.fullname ;
    Shows the new name in the type definition.
    CREATE TYPE cycling.fullname (
        firstname text,
        lastname text,
        middleinitial text