Batch statements with LINQ

This section shows how to use the LINQ API for batch statements. If you’re interested in reading more about how Batch Statements work in Cassandra, check the Batch Statements section.

Normal Batches

Let’s take the example shown in the LINQ overview documentation and add another class:

public class User
   public Guid UserId { get; set; }
   public string Name { get; set; }

public class UserByName : User

Let’s define the mappings:

public class MyMappings : Mappings
   public MyMappings()
         .PartitionKey(u => u.UserId)
         .Column(u => u.UserId, cm => cm.WithName("id"))
         .Column(u => u.Name, cm => cm.WithName("name"));

         .PartitionKey(u => u.UserId)
         .Column(u => u.UserId, cm => cm.WithName("id"))
         .Column(u => u.Name, cm => cm.WithName("name"));

Don’t forget to actually define the MappingConfiguration and create the Table instances:

var usersTable = new Table<User>(session);
var usersByNameTable = new Table<UserByName>(session);

Here is an example of creating a batch that inserts a user to both tables:

var user = new User
      Name = "john",
      UserId = Guid.NewGuid()

var userByName = new UserByName
      Name = user.Name,
      UserId = user.UserId

var batch = usersTable.GetSession().CreateBatch(BatchType.Logged);


await batch.ExecuteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

Conditional Batches

The LINQ API doesn’t have support for conditional batches. It is still possible to execute conditional batches using the methods that are used in the previous example for normal batches but there is no way to obtain the response that the server returns for conditional batches.

You can use the Mapper without having to change your mapping configuration code (it works with both attribute based configuration and fluent based configuration just like LINQ) so you could use the Mapper for this use case. Check out the Conditional Batches section on the Mapper documentation.