Batch Support

The Dse.Graph package supports batching multiple graph updates into a single transaction. All mutations included in a batch will be applied if the execution completes successfully or none of them if any of the operations fails.

Use the DseGraph.Batch() method to create a ITraversalBatch instance.

ITraversalBatch batch = DseGraph.Batch();

You can add traversals to your batch instance using Add() method.

    .Add(g.AddV("person").Property("name", "Matt").Property("age", 12));
    .Add(g.AddV("person").Property("name", "Olivia").Property("age", 8));

Once you’ve added all the mutations to the batch, you can use ExecuteGraph(ITraversalBatch) or ExecuteGraphAsync(ITraversalBatch) extension methods of the IDseSession defined in this package.

GraphResultSet result = session.ExecuteGraph(batch);

Batch options

You can specify batch options like consistency level, timeout and other settings when creating the batch instance.

var options = new GraphOptions().SetWriteConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LocalQuorum);
var batch = DseGraph.Batch(options);

These options are going to be used when creating a GraphStatement internally and executing the batch.

Note that options defined at GraphTraversalSource level are going to be ignored for batch executions.

Complete code sample

using Dse;
using Dse.Graph;
using Gremlin.Net;
using Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal;

namespace Dse.Graph.Samples
    public static class SampleBatchExecution
        public static void ExecuteBatchSample(IDseSession session)
            var g = DseGraph.Traversal(session);

            // Create a batch with options
            var batch = DseGraph.Batch(new GraphOptions().SetWriteConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LocalQuorum));

            // Create 2 vertices and an edge connecting one to the other
                .Add(g.AddV("person").Property("name", "Matt").Property("age", 12))
                .Add(g.AddV("person").Property("name", "Olivia").Property("age", 8))
                .Add(g.V().Has("name", "Matt").AddE("knows").To(__.V().Has("name", "Olivia")));

            // Execute the batch using ExecuteGraph(ITraversalBatch) extension method