Upgrading from the DSE Driver Graph Extension

This guide is intended for users of the DSE driver that plan to migrate to the DataStax C# Driver for Apache Cassandra, i.e., CassandraCSharpDriver.

Users of the Dse.Graph nuget package that are transitioning to the DataStax C# Driver for Apache Cassandra should now change their applications to use the CassandraCSharpDriver.Graph nuget package instead.

The main difference between Dse.Graph and CassandraCSharpDriver.Graph is that the Dse nuget package dependency was replaced with a dependency to the CassandraCSharpDriver nuget package, which is the package of the DataStax C# Driver for Apache Cassandra.

The API of this package hasn’t changed but the namespace was changed from Dse.Graph to Cassandra.DataStax.Graph and the nuget package name was changed from Dse.Graph to CassandraCSharpDriver.Graph.

With these changes we bumped the major version so CassandraCSharpDriver.Graph will start at version 2.0.0 while Dse.Graph will stay at 1.x and will no longer be maintained.