Prepared statements

When Cassandra executes a query, the first thing it does is parse the query string to an internal representation. If the same query is used often, you can use a prepared statement, which allows Cassandra to cache that representation, and save time and resources for subsequent executions. Prepared statements are typically parameterized, using different values for each execution:

PreparedStatement prepared = session.prepare(
  "insert into product (sku, description) values (?, ?)");

BoundStatement bound;

bound = prepared.bind("234827", "Mouse");

bound = prepared.bind("987274", "Keyboard");

Statements should be be prepared only once. If you call prepare multiple times with the same query string, the driver will log a warning. So your application should cache the PreparedStatement object once it’s been created (this can be as simple as storing it as a field in a DAO).

Parameters and binding

Parameters can be either anonymous or named (named parameters are only available with native protocol v2 or above):

ps1 = session.prepare("insert into product (sku, description) values (?, ?)");
ps2 = session.prepare("insert into product (sku, description) values (:s, :d)");

To turn the statement into its executable form, you need to bind it and provide values for the parameters. As shown previously, there is a shorthand form to do it all in one call:

BoundStatement bound = ps1.bind("324378", "LCD screen");

You can also bind first, then use setters, which is slightly more explicit:

// Positional setters:
BoundStatement bound = ps1.bind()
  .setString(0, "324378")
  .setString(1, "LCD screen");

// Named setters:
BoundStatement bound = ps2.bind()
  .setString("s", "324378")
  .setString("d", "LCD screen");

If you don’t set a parameter, it is sent as null (note that this behavior changes in the 2.1 branch of the driver).

You can use named setters even if the query uses anonymous parameters; Cassandra will name the parameters after the column they apply to:

BoundStatement bound = ps1.bind()
  .setString("sku", "324378")
  .setString("description", "LCD screen");

This can be ambiguous if the query uses the same column multiple times, for example: select * from sales where sku = ? and date > ? and date < ?. In these situations, use positional setters or named parameters.

A bound statement also has getters to retrieve the values. Note that this has a small performance overhead since values are stored in their serialized form.

How the driver handles prepared statements

When the driver prepares a statement, it sends the query string to Cassandra, which caches the statement and returns an identifier. Later, when the driver needs to execute the statement, it just sends the identifier and parameter values. Note that the identifier is deterministic, so it will always be the same for all nodes (it’s a actually a hash of the query string).

Prepared statements are not replicated across the cluster. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that each node’s cache is up to date. It uses a number of strategies to achieve this:

  1. When a statement is initially prepared, it is first sent to a single node in the cluster (this prevents from hitting all nodes in case the query string is wrong). Once that node replies successfully, the driver re-prepares on all remaining nodes:

    Text Diagram
  2. if a node crashes, it loses all of its prepared statements. So the driver keeps a client-side cache; anytime a node is marked back up, the driver re-prepares all statements on it;

  3. finally, if the driver tries to execute a statement and finds out that the coordinator doesn’t know about it, it will re-prepare the statement on the fly (this is transparent for the client, but will cost two extra roundtrips):

    Text Diagram

You can customize these strategies through QueryOptions:

  • setPrepareOnAllHosts controls whether statements are initially re-prepared on other hosts (step 1 above);
  • setReprepareOnUp controls whether statements are re-prepared on a node that comes back up (step 2 above).

Changing the driver’s defaults should be done with care and only in specific situations; read each method’s Javadoc for detailed explanations.