Query options

This type is global
Name Type Description
autoPage Boolean

Determines if the driver must retrieve the following result pages automatically.

captureStackTrace Boolean

Determines if the stack trace before the query execution should be maintained.

Useful for debugging purposes, it should be set to false under production environment as it adds an unnecessary overhead to each execution.

Default: false.
consistency Number

Consistency level. Default: localOne.

customPayload Object

Key-value payload to be passed to the server. On the Cassandra side, implementations of QueryHandler can use this data.

fetchSize Number

Amount of rows to retrieve per page.

hints Array or Array<Array>

Type hints for parameters given in the query, ordered as for the parameters.

For batch queries, an array of such arrays, ordered as with the queries in the batch.

logged Boolean

Determines if the batch should be written to the batchlog. Only valid for Client#batch(), it will be ignored by other methods. Default: true.

pageState Buffer or String

Buffer or string token representing the paging state.

Useful for manual paging, if provided, the query will be executed starting from a given paging state.

prepare Boolean

Determines if the query must be executed as a prepared statement.

readTimeout Number

When defined, it overrides the default read timeout (socketOptions.readTimeout) in milliseconds for this execution per coordinator.

Suitable for statements for which the coordinator may allow a longer server-side timeout, for example aggregation queries.

A value of 0 disables client side read timeout for the execution. Default: undefined.

retry RetryPolicy

Retry policy for the query.

This property can be used to specify a different retry policy to the one specified in the ClientOptions.policies.

retryOnTimeout Boolean

Determines if the client should retry when it didn’t hear back from a host within socketOptions.readTimeout. Default: true.

routingIndexes Array

Index of the parameters that are part of the partition key to determine the routing.

routingKey Buffer or Array

Partition key(s) to determine which coordinator should be used for the query.

routingNames Array

Array of the parameters names that are part of the partition key to determine the routing.

serialConsistency Number

Serial consistency is the consistency level for the serial phase of conditional updates. This option will be ignored for anything else that a conditional update/insert.

timestamp Number or Long

The default timestamp for the query in microseconds from the unix epoch (00:00:00, January 1st, 1970).

If provided, this will replace the server side assigned timestamp as default timestamp.

Use generateTimestamp() utility method to generate a valid timestamp based on a Date and microseconds parts.

traceQuery Boolean

Enable query tracing for the execution. Use query tracing to diagnose performance problems related to query executions. Default: false.

To retrieve trace, you can call Metadata.getTrace() method.