Connection pooling

The driver maintains one or more connections opened to each Cassandra node selected by the load-balancing policy. The amount of connections per host is defined in the pooling configuration.

Default pooling configuration

The default number of connections per host depends on the version of the Cassandra cluster.

Cassandra versions 1.2 and 2.0 allow the clients to send up to 128 requests without waiting for a response per connection. Higher versions of Cassandra ( that is 2.1 or greater) allow clients to send up to 32768 requests without waiting for a response.

By default, the driver maintains two open connections to each host in the local datacenter and one to each host in a remote datacenter for Cassandra 1.2 or 2.0 and one connection to each host (local or remote) for Cassandra 2.1 or greater.

Setting the number of connections per host

You can set the number of connections per host in the pooling configuration:

const cassandra = require('cassandra-driver');
const distance = cassandra.types.distance;

const options = {
   contactPoints: [''],
   pooling: {
      coreConnectionsPerHost: {
        [distance.local] = 2,
        [distance.remote] = 1

const client = new Client(options);